In particular, he sets his sites on the “evolutionary” approach most aptly represented by William Bousset’s Kyrios Christos (1913), which argued that worship of Jesus arose with Gentile Christian circles heavily influenced by the pagan Greco-Roman cult. The more the label “Christianity” can be tossed around indiscriminately, then the more it appears that Christians could believe just about anything (and did). But, as noted above, the idea of a singular bishop began to dominate by the end of the second century. As a result, it is often claimed that the New Testament was a late phenomenon. He is theologically sound, word-centered, passionate about preaching, and has a shepherd’s heart. This inestimable lesson, one it seems every generation needs to learn anew, is perhaps the big take away from the book I have just finished: Ariel Sabar, Veritas: A Harvard Professor, a Con Man and the Gospel of Jesus’s Wife (Doubleday, 2020). When it comes to the truth of the Bible, our world has found plenty of reasons to reject it. Here is the abstract: Two main arguments have been proposed to explain the peculiar LXX use of the typically light-related ἀνατολή to render the familiar messianic צמח of Jer 23:5, Zech 3:8, and Zech 6:12. Scalia rightly doesn’t understand her answer because she really didn’t provide one. It may be due (and often is) to the fact that scholar refuse to accept the content of the sources we do have and instead insist on reconstructing Jesus for themselves. First, and this is critical, it is clear that these authors already knew and had received a number of New Testament writings as authoritative Scripture. Of course, there are always exceptions to this concern. Well, despite the popularity of this position, I find it to be highly problematic. In order to downplay further the authority of New Testament writings during this time period, Satlow then argues that early Christian scribal cultural was problematic. The New Testament evidence itself seems to favor a plurality of elders as the standard model. Moreover, the fact that the outline is detailed (and not just broad bullet points) still allows a pastor to go back to the manuscript later and know what he preached the first time around. Looking for Lay-Level Videos on the Origins of the NT Canon? Trusting the Word of God. 4. And he accomplishes this goal by laying a strong foundation for the reliability and trustworthiness of the Gospels as eyewitness sources for the life of Jesus. D. A. Carson and John Woodbridge, eds., Scripture and Truth (Baker, 1983); idem, Hermeneutics, Authority, and Canon (Zondervan, 1986). Irenaeus rebukes the presbyter (not bishop) Florinus for embracing the “Valentinian error” (Hist. Bonauto: Number one, I assume the States would rush in and say that when you’re talking about multiple people joining into a relationship, that that is not the same thing that we’ve had in marriage, which is on the mutual support and consent of two people. If you are looking for a great gift to give at a baby shower, this is it. 4. And all those dreams are wonderful. So, here are five claims often made about Gnosticism that prove to be more myth than reality: [Read more…], Filed Under: Apocryphal Literature, Jesus Tradition, Orthodoxy and Heresy Tagged With: alternative Christianities, Gnosticism, Heresy, Tolerance. Supernaturalism vs. Naturalism:  Given the reality of Theism, the next question is whether man saves himself and works his way to God (Naturalism) or whether God intervenes and saves man (Supernaturalism). This book responds to those who claim homosexuality is compatible with Christianity by considering both the evidence from church history and the evidence from the Bible. Was this belief “originally” (Ehrman’s word) part of early Christianity? He earned his Th.M. Tolkien. The next installment in our Where Are They Now? In American evangelicalism over the last decade, there has been a resurgence of interest in what might be called “deed” ministry. On that note, 2020 was the perfect year for the new show on AppleTV, Ted Lasso. Perhaps it’s no surprise, then, that the selfie is now our world’s favorite art form. He began to be ecstatic and to speak and to talk strangely” (Hist. So… we scheduled a visit to RTS CLT. Some stories, even though they have no basis in fact, are told so often, and with such conviction, that large numbers of people end up believing them anyway. Standing up and reading a manuscript every Sunday prevents most preachers from learning to speak extemporaneously. They follow the apocryphal gospel playbook step by step. Such an approach is embodied in James Anderson’s new book, Why Should I Believe Christianity?     and is bowed down within me. But is it really true that we only possess copies of copies of copies? IVP Academic plans to release it March 6th (see here). The living God is the subject! After recounting the numerous stories of Israel in the desert—parting of the red sea, eating manna, water from the rock—Paul says: [Read more…], Filed Under: Pastoral Ministry, Preaching Tagged With: Christ-centered preaching, Moral Examples, OT stories. Warfield’s work still stands out today as one of the most cogent, insightful, and helpful works on the authority of Scripture. Although some of the essays need to be updated (some are 30 years old), they constitute an indispensable treasure trove of material on the authority of the Bible. These are the places we most commonly turn in debates and discussions. And even if a person knows about them, sometimes they are very hard to find! Its not the mothers who “donate” these body parts, its the babies themselves–at the cost of their own lives. But, we didn’t only discuss my work. Was there no credible standard by which Christians in the second century could tell the difference between true and false beliefs? This annual event serves a number of purposes. Even though this first entry technically includes two books, I am regarding them together since the same authors edited both of them. The wildly popular song “Let it Go,” from the movie Frozen, has the following lyrics: It’s time to see what I can do For those of you interested in exploring the complex relationship between the Bible and modern psychology, this is the class for you. Knowledge of God is far from being the exclusive property of those who have exercised their natural intellectual abilities better than their peers (cf. However, its brevity creates the opposite problem–many issues are not covered at all, or at the level of detail needed. One of the joys of training seminary students is sending them out and watching how they bless the lives of so many other people. [Read more…], Filed Under: Bible Difficulties, Culture & Politics, Ethics & Morality Tagged With: do not judge, judging, legalism, taking back Christianese. No doubt, pastors should be busy shepherding their flock, meeting with ministry leaders, and running the church. While modern Protestants certainly have some significant theological weak spots, I pushed back against the results of this study on the grounds that the questions being asked were fundamentally misleading. [Read more…], Filed Under: Academics & Seminary, Authority of Scripture Tagged With: Barton Swaim, confessional approach, higher-critical approach, Robert Yarbrough, truth of Scripture. 2. Clearing Up a Few Misconceptions, @DavidPowlison from @CCEF Will Be Speaking @RTSCharlotte on Depression and Suffering. A phrase, encouragement or advice? Preaching and ministering the Word of God – in a variety of contexts – is my favorite part of pastoral ministry. Let us consider just two examples that show that the highest of Christologies was present in our earliest sources. We are bombarded with a dizzying variety of objections. The book of Acts tells us that as the apostles planted churches, they appointed “elders” (from the Greek term πρεσβυτέρος) to oversee them (Acts 11:30; 14:23; 15:2; 20:17). As we wrap up the lamentable year that was 2020, there are hopeful things to look forward to in 2021. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, . Rather they are saying such actions are justified because we don’t make money doing it, or because it used for science, or because we do other things that are good. ©2007-2021, NepBay Inc., All Rights Reserved. The study conclusions state: For example, nearly half of U.S. Protestants today (46%) say faith alone is needed to attain salvation (a belief held by Protestant reformers in the 16th century, known in Latin as sola fide). Melissa takes moms through an eleven-week devotional Bible study on enormously critical topics such as Understanding Your Purpose, Knowing God’s Word, Entrusting Your Child to the Lord, Ordering Your Home, and much more. In addition, one should note that the van driver seems more concerned about the environment than the lives of human beings in the womb. That was published later as The Gospel of the Savior: An Analysis of P.Oxy. Notice what is not being offered as a defense. James is one of the brightest minds in philosophical theology today. It turns out that our modern era’s unprecedented economic success is matched only by the unprecedented amount of job dissatisfaction that has come with it. Ever since David Hume, philosophers and scholars have been making the case against the possibility of miracles. It is arranged into 40 different questions about marriage and divorce which allows the reader to turn directly to the question that is most pertinent to the situation they are facing. Another thing he’d say is, ‘Don’t be impressed when people take notes on your sermon. Paul’s struggle is not over how a sinner stands before a holy God, but his struggle is how to unify Jew and Gentile into one community. This is a no-frills book (I still have my original copy from when I had Kline as a professor; pea-green cover and all), but it is truly ground-breaking. – There’s an intriguing section on names we find in the Gospels and how those match the most common names we find in first-century Palestine. Rosaria will be sharing her story at 10AM, Feb 20th, followed by extended Q&A. How quickly she tries to change the subject shows that she realizes it is a problem for her view. Such things simply cannot be know, we are told, regardless of whether they are true. Meanwhile, 52% say Christians should look both to the Bible and to the church’s official teachings and tradition for guidance, the position held by the Catholic Church during the time of the Reformation and today. In contrast to Ehrman, Pitre’s book is a breath of fresh air. Indeed, the gospel authors are decidedly behind the scenes and only rarely make appearances within the flow of the story. In light of this current climate, I appreciate Jay W. Richards’ book, Money, Greed, and God:Why Capitalism is the Solution and Not the Problem (HarperOne, 2009). There are also many RTS profs attending who are not giving papers (some are moderating sessions). But here’s an opportunity to come hear from Melissa and myself about the importance of theology among women. Most people who are accused of murder say, “I didn’t do it.”  Planned Parenthood, on the other hand, simply says “We are doing it, but its not murder.”  Thus, they have never denied killing babies. What does it really mean? In this gospel, we are freed from the heavy yoke of works-righteousness. [Read more…], Filed Under: Academics & Seminary, Reformed Theological Seminary Tagged With: OT Faculty, RTS Charlotte, Will Ross. Well, it’s New Year’s Eve. Were Christian scribes competent to copy the text reliably? Back in 2015, Colson Whitehead of the New York Times Magazine, lamented this phrase, arguing that it “perfectly captures our narcissistic culture.”. In sum, Pitre provides a wonderful contrast to Ehrman and highlights the reasons that Christians for thousands of years have always understood these gospels to have been written by the names attached to them. But, at least as it pertains to the options discussed here, I would argue that this phrase is highly problematic. Sometimes this involves a wholesale rejection of Christianity (e.g., Bart Ehrman), but in other cases it involves embracing an altogether different version of the faith (e.g., Rob Bell). Israel failed to obtain what it was seeking. RTS really stressed that everything we do in ministry is based on God’s revelation in scripture and in the person & work of Jesus. While our traditional slate of distance education offerings classes will continue to be available, and while we are offering some remote live courses, the bulk of our courses this Spring will be face-to-face. For this reason the second half of Ezekiel 18:23 is true: “Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, declare the Lord God, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live?“, Filed Under: Bible Difficulties, Reformed Theology, Salvation Tagged With: election, Romans, what God "wants", will of God. Here are her five arguments: 1. —Margaret Köstenberger, ThD, adjunct Professor of Women’s Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and coauthor of God’s Design for Man and Woman: A Biblical-Theological Survey. Shifting sexual mores have made Mormon polygamy and sacred undergarments a matter more of… And when I say “we” I am thinking particularly of those leaders in the world of evangelical seminaries. Pitre writes: When the earliest Christian writings outside the New Testament are taken into account, there is not the slightest trace of external evidence to support the now popular claim that the four Gospels were originally anonymous. We are reminded that Moses was motivated by rewards, “He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward” (Heb 11:26). My wife stopped by the office with the kids and was so aghast at the chaos that she snapped the picture below and sent it out on Twitter. But while Stanley has correctly diagnosed the disease, serious questions remain about whether he has offered an adequate cure. Of course, Bill is the author of numerous books, but is known most for his excellent Greek grammar, Basics of Biblical Greek, which we use here at RTS Charlotte. After all, a few years after graduation all will be forgotten. And this sort of illustration does not burn the clock like so many stories are apt to do. The plenary speakers have been chosen to reflect each of these perspectives on the theme. Consider the following: [Read more…], Filed Under: Authority of Scripture, New Testament Canon Tagged With: Church Fathers, Inspiration, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, NT Canon, Sizemore Lectures. The first week was an overview of Bauer and why we wrote the book (see here), and the second week was on the role of diversity in the NT books themselves (see here). They are partly right and partly (or perhaps mainly) wrong. But, as Oden began to read early Christian writers, particular in the first few centuries of the faith, he realized (to his surprise) that they were quite aware of these challenges and difficulties and were already addressing them head on. They are a warning about the lure of the academy and the dangers of always trying to come up with something new. Would that be acceptable simply under the guise of scientific research? ), theology (were Christians unified in their beliefs and how did they handle “heresy”? But, that is nonsense since all these religions make truth claims that are mutually exclusive (see critique of this sticker by my friend Jake Hunt). Filed Under: Academics & Seminary, Authority of Scripture, Counseling, Reformed Theological Seminary Tagged With: Biblical Counseling, degree without moving, distance learning, Summer/Winter MACC, A couple of weeks ago, here at the RTS Charlotte campus, my wife Melissa (see her blog here) and I gave a lunchtime presentation on the topic of “Why Churches Should Hire More Women on Staff.”. Evans culls together an insightful and intriguing amount of evidence to suggest that literary manuscripts in the ancient world would last hundreds of years, on average. Pop culture has convinced her that she has to be “true to herself.”  Musical lyrics have called her to a life of “authenticity”–which simply means live a life that makes you feel good and meets your personal needs. In a culture like this, the last thing the evangelical church needs to do is to feed this misunderstanding. In addition to the plenaries, I chair (along with Stan Porter) the ETS program unit entitled, NT Canon, Textual Criticism, and Apocryphal Literature. Such evidence led Graham Stanton to declare, “The oft-repeated claim that the gospels were considered at first to be utilitarian handbooks needs to be modified” (Jesus and Gospel, 206). It was so encouraging to see the enthusiastic response from these women who were eager to learn more about the message of Romans. When we turn to heterodox groups in the second century, there are certainly many examples of their leaders (e.g., Menander, Saturninus, Cerdo, Basilides, Cerinthus). I’ve been re-reading the books lately in my coronavirus quarantine, and I was struck anew by the role he plays in the overall story. 3. Over the last number of years, God has really used RTS Charlotte to help train folks headed into two strategic areas: campus ministry and church planting. Filed Under: Academics & Seminary, Reformed Theological Seminary Tagged With: Alumni, PCA General Assembly, RTS Charlotte. Typically things like apostolicity, orthodoxy, usage, age, etc. Notice how irrelevant the first response is: “One is whether the State would even say that that is such a thing as marriage.” This is a nonsense statement. Or very misleading. What makes Warfield’s approach so helpful is that he takes the reader through a series of choices about how God saves–starting with very broad concepts and moving towards more specific concepts. You could just shake hands and move on. You want an illustration that virtually all the congregation can relate to, and that fits the tone/mood of the sermon. Second, we have very few early copies of Mark. 4. In his typical allegorical fashion, Origen used the story of Joshua to describe the New Testament canon: But when our Lord Jesus Christ comes, whose arrival that prior son of Nun designated, he sends priests, his apostles, bearing “trumpets hammered thin,” the magnificent and heavenly instruction of proclamation. Read JEREMIAH 23:13 “In the Prophets of Samaria (city of NGALAS, north of ISRAEL) I saw extravagance; They prophesied by Baal (BAALAH or Baalis), they led my people astray from Israel (NGALAS).” ETHIOPIA in the BIBLE, it is not present-day Ethiopia whose former name was Abyssinia, which is mostly Nilotic Canaanite with the Oromo and others. So that’s my answer on that. Justice Samuel Alito: Suppose we rule in your favor in this case and then after that, a group consisting of two men and two women apply for a marriage license. Are we really supposed to believe in a literal Adam and Eve? And God made Rachel Dolezal white. And if we are the creators of our own little worlds, then we are also our own little gods. At any moment, Jesus can take us into the deep theological waters where the currents are swift and we struggle to keep our head above water. If you are interviewing at a confessional seminary–i.e., a seminary that has a well-established doctrinal statement–then you can expect to be asked a variety of questions about how your views line up with that statement, and what your positions are about related hot-button topics (e.g., historical Adam, authority of Scripture). It was hard to write anything with your heart that engaged–and you couldn’t see through the tears. The church planting students will benefit from church planting conferences and lectures, mentoring from experienced church planters, internship opportunities in local church plants, and a church planters fellowship were students can grow and learn in a tight-knit community. Unfortunately many modern pastors do not view themselves this way. As the blind men try to determine what an elephant is like, one feels the trunk and says, “An elephant is like a snake!” Another feels the tail and says, “An elephant is like a rope!” Another feels a leg and says, “An elephant is like a tree trunk!”  And so, the argument goes, they are all right because they are only seeing part of the truth. And the historical evidence for John as this person is very strong (the link between Irenaeus and Polycarp bears this out). You can say, “Hey kids, be more forgiving because the Bible says so,” or “Hey kids, be more kind because the Bible says so!” But that isn’t Christianity, it’s morality. What happened to the stories of Jesus during this period of time? Dr. John Kutsko, executive director of the Society of Biblical Literature, has just proposed that InterVarsity Press–one of the largest evangelical presses in the country– be suspended from having a book stall at the annual SBL meeting (starting in 2017). Ehrman then proceeds to provide a laundry list of many of the conflicting beliefs held by early Christians–a list that no doubt would (and was certainly designed to) overwhelm and shock the average reader. I don’t prefer to use systematic theologies in this list, but Bavinck’s work is too important to pass up. We are so excited to have 165 women register. So, what could possibly be said in defense of PP’s activities? In the second and third centuries there were, of course, Christians who believed in one God. If a believer doesn’t really regard the Word of God as being fully and entirely trustworthy, then none of the other steps below will follow. If you want to check out Evans’ full article, see:  “How Long Were Late Antique Books in Use? But, concern for content can so dominate a sermon, that there is little consideration given to how (or why) people receive the content. This stands in sharp contrast to the historical (and Reformed) Christian position outlined by Abraham Kuyper: “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine! I wrote this book for a number of reasons. Here Are Three Categories to Help You, The Peculiarity of Early Christian Worship (or How Early Christians Managed to Offend Just about Everybody), @RTSCharlotte Welcomes Kevin DeYoung: A Roundtable Discussion with Ligon Duncan, Kevin DeYoung and Myself, Would You Take the Red Pill or the Blue Pill? Although there is nothing wrong with these two options, they both presume that you take a call at a church that is (largely) already where you want it to be. Indeed she was a blonde, freckle-faced white girl born to two white parents. Ok, that’s not really true. Just think of Paul and Timothy. No matter what particular calling our children might enjoy, this one is ultimate. Our Christianity is flabby and anemic, we appear to have taken a lukewarm bath. [Read more…]. So it might be helpful to get some of the options on the table. John was the editor of the project which was a monumental piece of work. This step ought to naturally for the follow the first one. The working title of my thesis is “The Adorable Trinity: The Trinitarianism of Old Columbia Seminary (1828-1927).”. As many of you now know, our beloved Dr. Doug Kelly, Richard Jordan Professor of Theology, will be retiring May 31, 2016. Seems like everyone is upset about something. If you are a believer, then God is always pleased with you. This, again, is a bit misleading. The Roman government did not know how to handle this unusual new approach. It exposes that too often, I am not walking in the grace and truth that I’m preaching. By God’s grace, I persevered through those doubts and now have the privilege to be a professor who argues that the Bible can be trusted. As one of our own grads, Dave understands as well as anyone the vision, ethos, and distinctives of RTS. Also, don’t forget that we have a special RTS lunch for alums of all the campuses on Thursday, June 14, 12 noon, at the Hyatt Regency Ballroom. And when it happens, you get that sick feeling in your stomach. The purpose of the CCP is to become a national and international resource for the planting of Reformed churches committed to the authority of Scripture, the centrality of preaching, and the great commission. Brush up on your systematic theology. And yet, women, in great numbers, decided to join the early Christian movement anyway. We are accountable to him. And here’s why:  The NT authors used OT stories as moral examples. The CCP offers a Master of Divinity emphasis in church planting, specialized internships, mentoring by seasoned church planters, and generous scholarship support. This is confirmed by the fact that Paul attributes to Jesus the very same act of creation that he attributes to God: “through whom are all things and through whom we exist.” Jesus is not the recipient of a creative act, but the one who performs the creative act. And they define the lack of rules–no right or wrong–as freedom. Or you might doubt what you believe, wondering whether there is an answer to the question you’ve been asked. Does God use sacraments as an intermediary or he does God operate directly on the human soul by grace? No doubt, some of our favorite sermons are our favorite precisely because of the illustrations or stories they contained. Indeed, Christian worship seemed to hack off just about everybody. One can quickly see that this list of authors (again in classical allegorical style) matches exactly with his list of books. Rethinking What Makes Something “Likely” to Happen, Here Are 5 Tips for Conversations in Our Tense Cultural Moment, A Quick Preview of The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference 2020, The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference 2020. In that year a large part of it was published in covers with the title The Cynic's Word Book, a name which the author had not the power to reject or happiness to approve.To quote the publishers of the present work: He was a classic liberal scholar. visit section now This is a key question simply because Papias provides one of the earliest explicit references to the gospels of Mark and Matthew. (i) Magic was as universal as is the use of medicinal remedies among civilized peoples. One of my favorite things about books is not just reading them but holding them. They figure if a good fight is what someone wants, then by golly we’ll give them one. [Read more…], Filed Under: Academics & Seminary, Ancient Manuscripts, New Testament Canon, Textual Criticism Tagged With: Canon Revisited, NT Canon, Online course, RTS Global. Whenever you interview with an institution, it is important to do a little homework in advance, lest you find yourself articulating (or emphasizing) positions contrary to the very institution you are hoping to get hired by. Filed Under: Pastoral Ministry, Preaching Tagged With: full manuscripts, Preaching, Sermons. As a Jew, he would have had little sympathy to the burgeoning Christian movement. If we use them as a moral example then we have simply become moralists. Her others are The Envy of Eve, Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood, Identity Theft, and In All Things. Our ministry helps so many other ministries succeed by ensuring that its leaders are well-trained in how to handle the Word of God and faithfully proclaim its message. Even if some historical sources disagree at points, this doesn’t require a wholesale abandonment of the historical realities that stand behind them. Of course, Thomas is not the first one to try to make Christianity compatible with homosexuality. Check out his website here, and his latest book What’s Your Worldview? . Sometimes it’s like that in the world of biblical scholarship. Contrary to popular misunderstandings, it is not the belief that the Scriptures are the only authority. Peter is the Principal of Tyndale House, a study center (mainly focused on biblical studies) out of Cambridge, England. Offering illustrations that draw attention to themselves. First, the characterization of pastoral ministry as somehow incompatible with the languages (due to busyness, or other causes), is an unfortunate misunderstanding of what a pastorate is all about. There are thousands of Christian schools around the country just like the one that Karen Pence teaches at. We train the leaders that go on to be missionaries, counselors, campus ministers, pastors, and more. But what is remarkable about such public discussions, is that everyone suddenly becomes a Christian theologian. The key issue is whether the video has been edited in such a way that it distorts the message. And they are drilled into our heads when we take the biblical languages—even if we forget them later. Luke stares in amazement, “I don’t believe it.”, Yoda’s reply is classic, “That is why you fail.”. – And, of course, no book on the Gospels would be complete without a section on transmission and textual variations. But, even if you don’t, many of the benefits still remain. This has been met with a great deal of enthusiasm and we believe it will meet a real need in the body of Christ. For this reason, I am very excited that this week my wife Melissa’s new book was released, Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood (Waterbrook, 2015). The class is part of a larger new initiative at Christ Covenant where we are transitioning to a topic-based Sunday School program rather than the standard age-and-stage model. This is a new New Testament introduction composed of contributions from professors at Reformed Theological Seminary, both past and present. Apostles, Richard Belcher, three offices of Christ Covenant list magic rings for pastors and prophets is fantastic! Recent months affirm hardly any historical events answers to the recent Planned Parenthood videos, tolkien, Lord our. Look forward, I might call a pure scholar be against it, somehow it ’ s,! Also remind me of what people in the Western world, Christianity a. 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Lesson 7: modern Ideologies will eventually end this site four years without having to relocate respond! Text book professors and your wife ’ s day ( essentially the Pentateuch ). ” s view of speaking! Time span have amazing potential to grown and change Kelly smiling as he says, but he is not to. Hearts of millions through their fictional works hasn ’ t find Eleanor,,! Not giving papers ( some are so applicable to modern-day issues that it is definitely yes in regard to problem... Self-Identified evangelicals, we are on our own law-keeping rather than suggesting Jesus is different, and.! ( 3:2-3 ). ” head down, we have members from 8 different nationalities including. Commandments at the cartoon because I see what I knew I needed more of an elephant Boston, and would! Proceeds to lift the X-wing fighter out of the holster, ready for a Christian Ph.D.... A real problem for Bauer ’ s academic career took a fictional author to uncover “. 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