6. Bent over dumbbell laterals (reverse flyes). On the bright side, if you train in a crowded gym, you can use my “NEW BODY TURBO” superset method of choosing only exercise pairs you can do at the same station or with the same set of weights. Oleksii Novikov Sets 18-Inch Deadlift World Record That leaves us with the pull up and the barbell row. The pull up works close to 90 percent of the muscles in your upper body, through this movement. My Tuesday is a dedicated "pull" day. Deadlifts and Pull-ups. Superset 2: Four rounds of 12 reps each Dumbbell bench press Dumbbell row. EXERCISES Barbell Squat leg curl. Pull-up and triceps dip. DUMBBELLS The magic of this combo is that with the rack pull, you're hitting the top partial range of motion with a heavier load than what you could use if you were doing ful… Mentored by one of the brightest minds in the strength and conditioning industry, Zach Even-Esh, Meglio has worked with athletes at the high school, college and professional level. Fasted Weight Training: Is It Killing Your Muscle Gains? 5. For example, a common superset is Curls (biceps) followed by … | It's much harder to superset two exercises that involve pulling (like a hanging leg raise and a seated row), than it is a pairing where your grip catches a break (such as a row and a press). The pull up works the largest muscle of the back, the latissimus dorsi. 4. Lat pulldown, Machine overhead press This one weight training system is scientifically proven, it works for everyone, it’s engaging (fun, even when it’s hard), and it gets you finished with your workouts up to 50% faster… In today’s post I’ll explain 8 tips on using this killer technique and show you 33 different supersets to build or sculpt every muscle in your body…, The one type of superset that almost every trainer and exercise scientist agrees is the ultimate method for optimizing muscle-building efficiency is called…. Having established that it’s generally good practice to perform all of your working sets … For example, a common superset is Curls (biceps) followed by Skullcrushers (triceps). Instant access to FREE resources that have helped millions of people jump higher, run faster, get stronger, eat smarter and play better. Subscribe (it's free) and every week I’ll show you the best science-based ways to burn fat, build muscle, and transform your body, naturally, without diet or fitness industry B.S. (Supersetting bis and tris is a phenomenal technique that helps you gain arm muscle while simultaneously reducing your gym time. KETTLEBELL. Pull ups or Chin ups. Me performing pull ups as part of a superset . I guarantee you won't be disappointed. The Definitive Guide To Antagonist Superset Training: How To Build More Muscle In Half The Time, How Lifting Weights “Backwards” Helps You Keep Gaining Muscle And Lifting Pain Free For Life, Why It’s Possible To Gain Muscle Lifting Light Weights For High Reps… And The 1 Key To Making It Happen. Honestly, it feels like the deadlifts affect my chin-ups more than my chin-ups affect my deadlifts. How a 43-Year-Old Mom Burned 30 Pounds of Fat In 98 Days, The Ultimate Home Gym For Maximum Muscle… It’s Not What Most People Think, Do Keto Diets Work? By Craig Ballantyne. Best Upper/Lower Body Superset Combos. I’ve listed a bunch of the best below. Bench Press and Bent-Over Row. The deadlift resembles the pull up in that they are both pulling movements that move the entire body through space. 1. Very simply, you perform two exercises for opposing muscles, with little to no rest between the two. Let’s first look at what many refer to as the upper body squat: the pull up. But first, here’s a short list of important instructions for your antagonist superset workouts. Best Upper-Body Superset Combos. 7. dumbbell tricep extension behind head, Barbell curls I very rarely pull from the floor a traditional deadlift because the strain on the quads and glutes trigger my hip flexors to tighten and out goes the back. Bicep – Tricep Supersets Cable Hammer Curl w/Rope- 3-4 Sets x 8-12 Reps A superset is two exercises performed back-to-back with no rest, typically on opposing muscle groups. With antagonist supersets you take little or no rest between each pair of exercises, then after the two exercises in a row, you take a rest period before doing the superset pair again (important). SWING It may be wise to do pull ups or pull downs after deadlifts to help decompress the spine. Pull yourself up until your chin is level with the bar. Avoid pairing lengthy movements like … Regardless of your goal, supersets are an extremely versatile form of training and should be used by all athletes to improve performance. As an athlete, one of the best ways to build strength and size is to perform supersets. Yes, But I Still Don’t Recommend Them (Here’s Why), 1 Goal Setting Secret That Saves You From Fitness Failure, Smart Goals Made Smarter: The Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Guide To Setting Goals For The New Year. Now that we’re past the first two exercises, it is time to one up … The new edition is now available not only in hardcover, but also in audiobook here: https://amzn.to/2pCG7lX, IS BUILDING MUSCLE IN LESS TIME YOUR #1 GOAL? Examples are a chin up or pull up where the feet are in an open-chain position. Not everyone does a lot of direct forearm training, but for those who do, the forearm flexors can be supersetted with the forearm extensors. Move Your Bump is the world's leader in conception, pregnancy, and recovery fitness and nutrition. If you can’t do weighted pull-ups or regular pull-ups, use the assisted machine, or you can substitute with lat pulldowns Get a good pump on that last round of supersets (final two exercises) by focusing on contracting the muscles How I Built This Lean and Strong Workout Program EXERCISE Plus if you train in a gym with a lot of machines, you’ll have even more options (hopefully your gym isn’t crowded or at least you don’t train during rush hour, because waiting for machines can be a drag. If you have a barbell set with a power rack, a chin up bar and or a cable pulley system, that’s plenty to keep you busy with new superset workouts for a long time. Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle, IS FAT LOSS YOUR #1 GOAL? After a short pause, slowly lower your body until your arms and shoulders are fully extended. There are many benefits to incorporating this type of training into your program. That’s because the amount of focus that should go into performing a deadlift at optimal level calls for staying put near the bar and getting ready for your next set . 3. Push ups and rows are the perfect complementary exercises for a superset workout. Superset 4: Three rounds of 12 reps each Seated machine chest press Seated machine row. Single Arm Dumbbell Row / Barbell Bench Press. WORKOUTS What is the Best Time of Day to Work Out? That would be like doing wrist curls supersetted with reverse wrist curls. This is … Close grip lat pulldown, Arnold (dumbbell) press | A lot of partials with a 20 count hold at the top. ... A great example of a bad superset practice I see in the commercial gym setting is supersetting a squat/deadlift with an isolation core exercise such as crunches or the ab wheel. What is an antagonist superset? | The Best Strength and Power Superset for Athletes, Why Nutrition Isn't About Making the 'Perfect' Choice, Quick Cues to Clean Up Your Kettlebell Swing, A Peloton Bike Probably Won't Get You Your Dream Body. If you don’t take the rest break after each superset pair, you’ll get done even faster, but you won’t recover completely and your strength and performance will drop. Low back extension (hyperextension), Vertical push to vertical pull supersets (deltoids and lats) Studies have shown that supersets produce greater strength gains than traditional sets. Pull ups or Chin ups, Quad – Hamstring supersets Seated Low Cable Row w/Handles- 3-4 Sets x 8-12 Reps . Early Specialization vs. Incline two dumbbell tricep extensions, Standing dumbbell curls Reverse flye (on pec deck), Incline bench dumbbell flyes Leg Day. It'll make for better quality sets in the long run. You may have heard of superset workouts before, but did you know there are at least a half a dozen different types of supersets, and one of them is the ultimate way to build more muscle and strength in less time? One arm deadlifts, trap bar, thick bar (over/under & over/over). The pull-up and the dip are two of the most foundational calisthenics exercises, and for good reason. So now let me give you a bunch of examples of antagonist superset workouts. There are enough possibilities for antagonist supersets to keep you busy a long time. How Long Should Your Workout Be To Build Muscle. Face Pull / Incline Dumbbell Bench Press. Pec deck flye In the third superset, you’ll be pushing and pulling your bodyweight to get an excellent upper body workout. Deadlift (conventional) Weighed Chin-Ups Back Squat DB Bench Press Honorable mentions: Front Squat, Loaded Push Ups, Bulgarian Split Squats, BB Push Press, Weighted Pull Ups I like Chin-Ups than Pull-Ups do to the better range of motion that can be achieved. Machine Incline Curl- 3-4 Sets x 8-12 Reps . Get better at the sports you play and the life you lead at STACK. Deadlift Superset Pull-ups- 4 Sets x 3 Reps x 415lbs or 75% 1RM/ 8 Reps . 3. Pull Up / Barbell Standing Overhead Press. incline reverse flyes, Flat bench dumbbell flyes Lower-Body Strength and Power Superset, Sets/Reps: 5-6x3-5 each exercise (and leg). Join STACK and gain instant FREE access to resources that have helped millions of people jump higher, run faster, get stronger, eat smarter and play better. What Ultra-Processed Food Does To Your Body (Fat) And Your Health. Combining them into a push-pull pairing is also one of my personal favorite ways to blast the entire upper body. To do antagonist supersets, you have to be on a full body workout or on a split routine that has you working opposite muscles on the same day. Death By Goblet 30 Minute Full-Body Superset Workout This increases the quality and efficiency of your workout and even offers a conditioning benefit. He graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University in May 2011, following his final season as captain of the baseball team. Why it makes sense: This superset requires you to train two opposing upper-body muscle groups back to back. Push, Pull, Legs and Core Superset Workout. Just waiting for a good deal on one. It goes like this Deadlifts Rack pulls Lat pull down/ pull-ups Bent over alternating row 1H kettlebell swing The exercises on Thursday, my dedicated "leg" day, also compliment my deadlifts Back squats 1 leg deadlift Double kettlebell front squat Double kettlebell swings Monday is a "push" day (with back squats) There are some great exercise combinations listed above, but this only scratches the surface of the superset training method, and you’ll be learning more as you keep following upcoming Burn the Fat Blog posts. Barbell Bench Press Two dumbbell Romanian deadlift, Reverse Lunge Antagonist Superset Tips, Tricks, And Tactics. Check back here on Burn the Fat Blog every week for the latest updates. WORKOUT PLAN Machine High Row- 3-4 Sets x 8-12 Reps . Do you have any questions? Superset It. Medicine Ball Exercises for Youth Athletes, How to Crush Your Entire Body in 10 Minutes Using One Weight Plate, How To Do A Single-Arm, Single-Leg Push-Up, 2 Foam Roller Workouts For Strength, Not Recovery, Get Faster for Any Sport With This 12-Week Speed Workout. Leg extension Joe Meglio is a strength and conditioning coach at the Underground Strength Gym in Edison, N.J. Sometimes it goes okay, but for the 3rd time this morning I felt quite light-headed after the 3rd working set of pull-ups, to the extent that I ended my workout early. Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is the classic “bible of fat loss,” based on the tested, proven methods of bodybuilders and fitness models. That would be like doing the lat pulldown (or pullup) supersetted to the overhead press. Machine High Curl- 3-4 Sets x 8-12 Reps . Let me know how the superset workouts go, and if you have any questions, post in the blog comments below, or join our Inner Circle if you want unlimited access to me by private forum and private message for less then ten bucks a month. Perform an additional set of Pull-Ups. Jan 21, 2013 Back in Toronto after a relatively smooth trip home from San Francisco. Once you understand the principle of antagonist supersetting and you’ve seen a list of examples like this, you’ll be able to start brainstorming even more ideas on your own. Yes, the chins will very, very slightly impact your deadlift. Superset 3: Three rounds of 12 reps each Dumbbell fly Machine lat pulldown. Is Squatting In The Smith Machine Dangerous And Non-Functional? STANCE The pullup primarily targets your latissimus dorsi, or lats for short, which is the largest muscle of the back. As someone running a program that involves chin-ups with deadlift supersets right now. Unless doing really light deadlifts, I would not recommend doing deadlifts in a superset. Why This superset will add serious size to your arms. Do the goblet step-ups on a box or bench, alternating legs for 20 reps. If you train at home, there’s no worries because you have plenty of options even if the only equipment you have is dumbbells. Normally chest and shoulders wouldn’t be considered an antagonist superset, but the rear deltoids are more like part of your back. | For more information, please go to MeglioFitness.com. Tom Venuto, author of: Here's a gem I picked up from national champion strongwoman Maya Camille Winters. Shoot me an email at Joe@meglioperformance.com. When I watched her set up a bar in the power rack at knee height and then dropped some plates on the floor so she could superset them with deficits, I knew it was my kind of programming. Here's Why, Inexperienced Lifters: How to Build Strength Now, Arm Exercises for Athletes: Triceps Edition, Use These Exercises to Decrease Neck Pain and Headaches, Assume Push-Up position with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width, Bend elbows and lower until chest is two inches above ground; keep elbows to sides and core tight, Forcefully push up against ground to return to starting position, Hang from bar with slightly wider than shoulder-width grip and body in straight line, Keeping body rigid, pull body up until chest touches bar, Lower with control until arms are straight, Assume athletic position grasping kettlebell in hand at hip height, Hinge at hips and bend knees to swing kettlebell through legs, Extending hips and knees, pull kettlebell up, keeping it close to body, Drop under kettlebell with bent knees, catching it in rack position, Forcefully extend hips and knees and simultaneously extend arm to push kettlebell overhead, Lower kettlebell to rack position, then straight down and immediately repeat for specified reps, Place hands slightly wider than shoulder-width and grip bar with palms facing away, Pull up until chin is over or even with bar, Don't swing body or use legs for momentum, Stand at bar in Deadlift stance with feet hip-width apart, Grasp bar with over-under grip just outside of stance, Drive up to standing position, keeping back flat and chest out, Bending hips and knees, sit back into quarter-squat, Quickly swing arms forward and simultaneously explode with legs to jump forward as far as possible, Land with stable base; absorb impact by allowing body to return to start position and immediately repeat for specified reps, Grasp dumbbells with arms fully extended and palms facing each other, Pull shoulder blades together and pull dumbbells to armpits; keep elbows close to sides, Sit on ground with upper back against bench, knees bent and right foot on ground, Squeeze glutes and extend hips toward ceiling to form bridge, with right knee at 90-degree angle and and left knee at 90-degree angle in air, Hold top position for one count and return to start position, Repeat for specified reps; perform set with opposite leg, Assume athletic stance with bar on back and feet slightly wider than hip-width, Keeping back straight and knees behind toes, sink hips back and lower into squat until thighs are parallel to ground, Extend hips and knees to drive up out of squat position. Includes both gym and home workouts. Superset 1: Parallel-Grip Pull-up with Parallel-Grip Dip. Relatively speaking, this is the least taxing of all the techniques listed … Glute-Ham Raise / Leg Press. Lying two dumbbell tricep extensions, Incline dumbbell curls Close Grip Pull-down w/Handles- 3-4 Sets x 8-12 Reps . If you've been neglecting supersets because you weren't sure what to do, try some of these. Select one or two of them and add them to your upper- or lower-body workouts. Two minutes is standard, but one minute may be enough for small muscles like arms that aren’t so taxing. Incline BB Bench press & T-Bar row. How For the pull-ups, hang from a bar with an overhand grip. What makes it … Then after you finish the second exercise you take a normal rest interval (about a minute or two). 12 reps on each I’ve chosen the front squat over the standard squat where the bar is behind the head for … Push up Inverted row. Also, you can perform more exercises in a shorter amount of time, since you are using your rest time to work a different muscle group. The last superset involves push ups and a deadlift high pull. CHEST Front squat Romanian deadlift. Superset 1: Three rounds of ten reps each Push-up Pull-up. Hammer strength chest press, Wide grip (pec) dips When you're done, rest for approximately 60 seconds before moving onto the pull-up for 6-8 reps. That's one complete superset. Each superset aims to focus on opposing muscle groups and opposing body functions. Do a set of presses, and instead of just waiting 2-3 minutes to go back to another set of presses, we go to a pull in the middle. Abs and lower back are also antagonist (opposite) muscles, so you could pair up an ab exercise with a low back exercise (Hyperextension paired with crunches, for example). Our protocols and training are based off of the most recent and reliable scientific research and expert experience of over 15 years in the field. I could go on and on with these lists, but this gives you some great ideas to keep you busy a while (that’s 33 supersets right there!). Superset #1: Front Squat & Stiff-Legged Deadlift 4 Sets. My ceiling is low so doing dips on a machine is tough on the mellon. Now Go Try Some Superset Workouts Yourself! A superset is two exercises performed back-to-back with no rest, typically on opposing muscle groups. To learn more CLICK HERE. Medically recommended by OBGYN’s, CFMT’s, DPT’s, Nurse Practitioners and Pelvic Floor Specialists all over the world. Two dumbbell bent over row, Seated chest press machine There are three classic antagonist superset combinations (most popular): Chest with back, biceps with triceps and quads with hamstrings. This is one of the best upper body superset combinations. The deadlift high pull can be performed with a kettlebell or a barbell. He is STACK's Expert of the Month for February 2012. Cable crossovers Seated cable row. Best Lower-Body Superset Combos. Sets/Reps: 3-5x3-6 for Kettlebell Clean and Press and Max - 2 for Pull-Ups. Barbell lying tricep extension, Preacher curl | Below are my top five supersets for athletes, which you can incorporate into your workouts. Sets/Reps: 3-5xMax minus 2 reps each exercise. The "Regular Ol’ Push-Pull" Superset This is probably where we’ve come to recognize the value of supersets more than anywhere else. On the back/legs workout, I have been trying to superset squats with weighted pull-ups (4 working sets, 8-10 reps; rest about 60 seconds between exercises, 90 seconds between sets). French Press (barbell extension behind head), Chest – Back supersets If you’re on an upper – lower split, you’re all set to do antagonist supersets. Hack squats Low back extension (hyperextension) Step ups Glute-ham raise 8. Early Sampling: Which is Better? Make a note that the order of the exercises is reversible and in fact, it’s a not a bad idea to switch the order for variety from time to time or even every other workout. He specializes in training baseball players. One legged romanian deadlift, Hack squats Barbell overhead press Quad – Hamstring supersets Leg extension Leg curl. Hip Thrust / Alternating Forward Lunge. Goblet Squat Two dumbbell Romanian deadlift. Lower/Upper Body Supersets. Seated Dumbbell Curls | Barbell Bent Over Rows, Smith Machine Bench Press Back Squat / Chin Up For superset 1, you’ll perform 6 deadlifts the move right into a … 2. This can most easily be done with a special device called a “D.A.R.D.” (dynamic axial resistance device), or it can also be done with a cable handle and a pulley system. If you’re on the 3-Day classic Muscle (3DCM) split, you’re also set for antagonist supersets. | | Besides being a strength coach, Meglio competed in his first powerlifting meet in 2010, setting the New Jersey state record for Squat, Deadlift and total in his weight class and division. Now you have my top five supersets for athletes. Both are supremely tough, which you’ll quickly realise when you see the very first superset in workout 1 involves five sets of two different kinds of pull-ups. 45 degree bent over barbell row (aka “Yates row), Dumbbell bench press Here’s What Science Says. Two dumbbell pullover, Chest and rear deltoid supersets Reverse Lunge One legged romanian deadlift. Leg curl, Goblet Squat Pull-up, 4 sets, 6-8 reps, 60-second rest. Leg press seated leg curl. This is paired with a basic 30 second plank for some added core work. Winter Weight Gain: Does Cold Weather Make You Fatter? Technically, shoulders and lats are not antagonistic muscles, but you could superset shoulders and lats based on the movement patterns of vertical pulling and vertical pushing. Most people forget about this one, but you can also superset flyes for chest with reverse flyes for rear deltoids – the two movements are exactly opposite / reciprocal. Grab a kettlebell or dumbbell and bang out between 6-8 reps (remember, if you feel like you could have completed 2-3 more good reps, it's time to step up in weight). Seated row machine, Hammer strength row machine If you enjoyed this post, subscribe for weekly updates – free! IF so, The New Body (TNB) TURBO  is the program for you: Ultra-time efficient “superset” training proven by science to build muscle in 50% of the time. Perform an additional set of Inverted Rows. Improve your training, nutrition and lifestyle with daily. Romanian Deadlift / Front Squat. Smith Machine Bent Over Rows, Incline Barbell Press Topics: Supersetting the front and back of your calves is even more rare, but serious bodybuilders with lagging calves who want to try something completely different could give it a shot: Pair up any calf raise (plantar flexion) with a reverse calf raise (dorsiflexion). I really want to get a trap bar. While the deadlift works 90% of the muscles in the entire body and is also considered a pulling movement. University in may 2011, following his final season as captain of the back hold at the sports play.: Three rounds of 12 Reps each Seated machine row really light deadlifts trap! Triceps ) 90 percent of the most foundational calisthenics exercises, and recovery fitness and.. My top five supersets for athletes, which you can incorporate into your program 415lbs or 75 % 8. Athlete, one of my personal favorite ways to Build strength and size is to perform supersets Toronto a... 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