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And, allegedly, David was the one who caught Christopher, so I believe the first person who was attacked was Michael. Why would she get in trouble for that? In 2011, after 18 years in prison, the three innocent men were released on an Alford Plea. They are also one of very few people,who hadfamily memberswho suspected that they were involved and actually contacted police as a result of those suspicions. WHAT HAPPENED THAT DAY WHEN YOU GOT OUT OF SCHOOL WHAT WAS IT THEY WERE GOING TO DO THAT DAY? She even described one brunette boy as being heavy set. random bruising on legs that don't hurt madonna university room and board was terry hobbs ever found. Terry Hobbs was reported missing from Kinard on April 20, but his family said the last time anyone. While searching through the evidence, their lawyer and private investigator found a letter written to prosecutor, Scott Ellington in February 2012. VICKIE: IT WAS COPSRIDGE: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT DEAD ON? BLY HE WAS SUPPOSE TO GO MEET JESSIE MISSKELLEY OUT AT LAKESHORE. In 07 or 09 when he was being questioned about the murders, just prior, he'd found Pam "kissing that Mexican". If you read Jacobys interview and declaration, they both give Hobbs an alibi and they both make it impossible for Hobbs to have committed the crime without Jacoby having noticed something peculiar about Hobbs. After the murders of the three boys, the general understanding by the public was that Chris had been emasculated and very meticulously had had the skin removed from his penis. After yelling and threatening Michael, I believe he took the board from David and violently hit Michael on the top of the head 2 or 3 times. This not only puts Buddy in Lakeshore at the possible time that Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby could have shown up, but it shows that his whereabouts were unknown at the time the murder occurred. Yup. When reading her first statements to police, it raises serious doubts about her alleged sighting of the three boys. I also believe that Stevie was punched by the teenage boys, mostly by LG, but for the most part, and according to the confessions they mostly restrained him. We do not know whose pants were the ones inside out for sure and whose pair of pants was not, but we do know that Michaels shirt was the only one not inside out and none of the buttons on his shirt were ripped off. He was also a minister in the Apostolic Pentecost Church, a fundamentalist group. HES NEVER SEEN THEM, AARON: CAUSE IT WAS ON A FRIDAY WHENEVER HE WENT DOWN THERE WITH US. DNA consistent with Terry Hobbs, stepfather of victim Stevie Branch, was. LG was actually a suspect from the very beginning, and its actually really shocking to me that he was not further investigated. Before I further explain and explore all the evidence that points to Terry Hobbs, David Jacoby, LG Hollingsworth, and Buddy Lucas being the perpetrators of this murder, I would like to reiterate something: there is almost no possibility that one person could have committed this murder alone in the timeframe it occurred. The day after the boys went missing before they were even found, Michael Moore's parents asked Aaron's mother, Vickie Hutchinson, if Aaron could be removed from school to help find the boys. In part 3, when suing Natalie Maines, he said he wanted The Dixie Chicks to be "humiliated" as punishment when asked what he really wanted out of the lawsuit. By the time Buddy would have been dropped off at Lakeshore and the other three arrived in West Memphis, it could have been somewhere around 8:15-8:30. And then, twenty years later, a letter is found that had been sitting untouched in the prosecutions possession for a year. NARLENE: She meant the mommy, the daddy and the son,(LG) she said I dont know whats going on over there and she said, they are making me nervous, shes a christian girl, she said and I got out of there, I said yeah, I get bad feelings around them too. Which means that when Natalies lawyers dug into Terry Hobbs past, there were obviously some people who made similar allegations to the ones Billy made 4 years later. The question whether the mark on Stevies left eyebrow is a bite mark or not has been the subject of great debate by experts and followers of the case for years. Memories of events are easy to remember, specific times when events occurred are much more difficult to pinpoint. Echols lawyer, Patrick Benca, reviewed evidence earlier this year that was thought to have been lost. Perhaps she felt obligated to lie about Damien in order to get him arrested for a murder she believed he committed. The problem with this statement is this: for one, Jacoby claims he asked Terry where Stevie was. You really would need magic to pull it off. And the family even admitted that he was making Stevie participate in these acts of abuse against his sister. They then went and dumped the boys bicycles into the bayou, cleaned up the area and left by dark. The boards were a combination of boards that had been nailed together as well as a pile of loose boards on the ground. I believe that after Terrys attack on Stevies face, and with Stevie still quite conscious, this is when the tying of the children began. Which is right in line with why this attack would have occurred. What people forget is that we dont knowwhosaid that Terry propositioned Jacoby. The day after the boys went missing before they were even found, Michael Moore's parents asked Aaron's mother, Vickie Hutchinson, if Aaron could be removed from school to help find the boys. The most severe injury to Stevie came from being stomped on the back of the head and its very likely that this injury was the very last thing to happen to Stevie. Another indicator that points to Terrys guilt and the truth in the alleged Buddy/LG statements, lies with what was discovered on Michael Moores body. The reason for the prosecutions stance, I believe, is because the bitemark never matched Echols, Baldwin or Misskelley. VICKIE: ANY TIME MY CHILD DIDNT COME HOME ON TIME THATS WHERE I WOULD LOOK FOR HIMRIDGE: OKAY, YOU HAD BEEN THERE ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS? Why was he lying? Buddys version of events would match up perfectly with what LG would later tell Bennie Guy when they were locked up in the county jail together. Back to the timeline. This would mean that the attack and torture was focused on the two conscious boys; Chris and Stevie, whichiswhat appeared to have happen. Terry Hobbs absolutely killed the boys and the neighbor girl said he had seen them right before the boys died. According to both Billy and Bennies statements, the four men pulled up to the trailer, bought a small amount of marijuana and left. Considering that the boys were unconscious, this knot seems to have been used out of sheer habit. evil" when he loses his temper and "he doesn't get mad, he gets 'even'". The fact that the knots were not all the same, indicates as well that Terry was not the only person to tie up these children. THAT HAD ON THE WHITE TANK TOP. Apparently, the medical examiner stated that the fine scratches on Stevies penis are similar to those from children who have sexually abused, i.e: given oral sex. Actually, Buddy and LG are theonlytwo people in twenty years of suspects and allegations that had family member come forward and say that they had blood on them following the murders. RIDGE: OKAY, AND WERE THEY NAILED ONTO THE TREE OR COULD YOU TELL THAT? These boards were right next to the clubhouse which means that when the boys were caught, they most likely would have been caught very close to where these boards lay, easily seen to the naked eye. You have to keep in mind that the statements from Bennie Guy and Billy Stewart are considered hearsay and most likely would not stand up in a court of law alone. My belief is that these items were used in the clean up. They then picked Chris up (as evidence shows) and the three headed out on their bikes and skateboard, riding up 14th street right before 6pm. The evidence that supports this theory is in the injury to Steve Branchs face and back of the head. As he jumped up from the fall, he grabbed Chris and apparently hit him with force as well. We have a man, by his own admittance, who was in the spot where they crime occurred all night long. No. Thats a time bomb. Stevie knew Terry well. However, therearesuspects and there is an abundance of evidence open to the public. After 18 months Echols was informed that the evidence was likely not available, but after a state court order, Echols team was invited to the West Memphis Police Department to review what evidence remained. I said, well the mommy is a liar aint she. They would watch the men as they smoked marijuana and engaged in sexual activity. 4 Q. In his first interview, taken shortly after the murders, he claims he went home in the early afternoon but then changes his story and puts himself in Lakeshore at 4:30. The question about Terry propositioning David Jacoby has lead some people to defend Jacoby, claiming that he would not have told people he was propositioned if he really had a secret gay relationship with Terry Hobbs. If we want to understand why those boys might have gotten killed in those woods we need not look further than Aarons own statements made to police shortly after the murders. If Terry wanted things to turn sexual, his predatory mind would have thought of ways to lead things in that direction. I personally could argue that the three are guilty based on the research I've done, but I could also argue that Terry Hobbs is. Why would he ask Terry where Stevie was if he literally had seen Stevie riding in the street with his friends a few minutes prior? VICKIE: UM, JUST SOME BOARDS, LOOKED LIKE SOME ONE HAD LIKE MADE A DEER STAND, A LONG TIME AGO OR SOMETHING AND JUST SOME BOARDS AND THEY KINDA HAD YOU KNOW LIKE A FORTRIDGE: OKAY, AND WERE THEY NAILED ONTO THE TREE OR COULD YOU TELL THAT? RIDGE: FIVE TIMES YOU SAW IT HAPPEN FIVE TIMES? I cant be sure, but its possible that the interviewer in this deposition meant Roy not Ray. RIDGE: ALRIGHT, YOUVE BEEN TO YOUR CLUB BEFORE WITH THEM? Terry Hobbs would later state that he shot Jackie Jr. in self-defense. Cookie Notice That hair was then secured to Michaels body as Terry tied him up. I allege that these three women are correct in that they saw the three boys, I simply believe that they got confused on the time that it occurred. WHAT DID YOU ALL HIDE AND WAIT FOR THEM? In 2007 it was discovered that a hair that had been found underneath a ligature on Michael Moores nude body, belonged to Terry Hobbs. In that letter is a story about four men going to the woods, smoking marijuana and possibly engaging in sexual activity. CAN YOU EXPLAIN TO ME WHERE THE CLUB IS? Look what you made me do! YEA IT WAS BUT, I WOULD THINK SO, IN ORDER TO HOLD ALL 3 LITTLE 8 YEAR OLDS THAT IT WAS PRETTY STURDY. WHAT DID IT SMELL LIKE DID IT STINK? With all that in mind, I allege that Terry and Amanda returned home a little after 5pm. So, essentially, the boys were trapped unless they were able to get to the log. Terry Hobbs was working for the Memphis Ice Cream Company. Buddy as well was involved in the investigation and was under suspicion from his family from the beginning. Despite this evidence, no charges have ever been brought against Hobbs, who still firmly believes that Echols, Baldwin, and Misskelley are guilty of the . D, J, and J's DNA was not. Jacoby is adamant to anyone who listens that Hobbs is not his friend. It is my belief that only Stevie and Chris were stripped at this time because Michael was most likely already unconscious. This is significant because no one else has ever theorized that Chris was actually bitten in his scrotum; its a completely new allegation. The four men see the young boys spying, one man in particular, the stepfather of one child, orders the others to grab them; he flies into a rage and hits the boys, and the attack leads to murder. That makes sense to me. THEY UM. The day after the boys went missing before they were even found, Michael Moores parents asked Aarons mother, Vickie Hutchinson, if Aaron could be removed from school to help find the boys. On the night of the 5th LGs aunt Dixie told police and her sister, Narlene, that LG was dropped off at the Laundromat where she worked in a small, light colored car. Within a week of that delivery, I also delivered marijuana, cocaine, and crystal meth to Mr. Hobbs in Memphis, Tennessee, on Madison Avenue at a gay bar called J-Wags. Additionally, a bite on the face during murders/attacks is not only common in homosexual attacks, like a bite to the scrotum is, but it also common in Battered Child Syndrome. What really stands out to me, is that farmers and hunters use this method of tying a hog arm to leg in a method called hobbling. Why in the world were the two men (or Terry alone) searching for the boys when it was light out if Terry had already said that Stevie could stay out till 8:00 pm? Richard took another polygraph saying that LG was not with him the night of the 5th and he passed. Each boy had indications of being punched because the contusions did not have deep lacerations with them. Terry and David are not the only ones with suspicions and allegations of homosexuality surrounding them, though. During a special presentation at CrimeCon 2022 Las Vegas, former New York State prosecutor Jim Clemente joined Truth & Justice podcast host, Bob Ruff, and investigative journalist, George Jared, to take a deep dive into a conversation Jared previously had with Terry Hobbs. The darkest shit about all of this, is that they sensationalized this case as some bullshit Satanic fantasy. and all of it just covers up the sobering truth: this kind of child murder happens every day. thanks for the recommendation!! Terry Hobbs was born in 1958 and grew up in Northern Arkansas. Read on and perhaps you will agree. However, knowing that a DNA sample was found on Stevies penis coupled with the knowledge that Chris may have allegedly been bitten on his penis and scrotum as well, I feel the chances are quite high that Stevie, too, may have been bitten in his penis. Even if the dogs had not licked up blood, their presence in the woods could mean that their fur would have already been on the ground where the boys bodies were placed when discovered. I allege that the boys were spotted and began to run back towards the log that lay across the drainage ditch. Aaron adds a few more details to what the boys had seen down in those woods: RIDGE: UM, DO YOU THINK THOSE MEN WERE CRAZY? RIDGE: WHEN I SAY HAVING SEX IS THAT WHAT YOUR DESCRIBING? It also would make sense that Terry would carry shame, deep shame, if he were secretly homosexual. I truly believe the real killer(s) are still out there and it's not the WM3. If that is true, then that is more evidence to support Billys statements as being factual. They happen to not agree with all of his interpretations. Before I continue, its important to bring up the alleged homosexuality of Terry Hobbs, which , in my opinion lends credence to the entire theory. JMB is a freaking nut but I think he loved Michelle so much that when Chris died, she did, too. Then, I believe that Terry began to attack Stevies face by biting him and even possibly striking his face with the corner of the board. In other words, he was likely being molested. To add further suspicion, LGs cousin, Domini lived within a five minute walk from Richards house. Michael, being the first one attacked, was hit so violently and with such anger, that he was almost immediately rendered unconscious. CHRISTY, I WAS TALKING TO A GIRL NAMED CHRISTY AND SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE THOUGHT THEY HAD FOUND ONE OF THE BODIES. Both Guy and Stewart have tried since 1994, thirteen years before Terry and David were even suspects, to tell the authorities what they had been told. From there, the police focused on finding clothes, speaking with the families, taping off the area, etc and possibly some small searching of the area. And, is it just a coincidence that LG and Terry were unaccounted for that night and then, strangely, they both made public appearance right at 9:00 pm at night? Police suspected the murders of Michael Moore, Christopher Byers and Steve Branch, all second-graders, were the work of a satanic cult. Theres no debate about that because there were steep inclines on the sides of the ditch where all three bodies were placed, making it impossible that they were just tossed in from either the east or west bank. In fact, Richard and his roommate both admitted that they didnt even see LG that night. However, since LG was wearing a tie that day and the alleged confessions state the teens wrestled, its my belief that LGs shirt and tie had been removed for the entire murder, which meant that it was clean. Is it merely a coincidence that Terry Hobbs was a former butcher and that he grew up working on his familys pig farm? Why would she lie about seeing the three boys that day? DO YOU THINK THEY WERE CRAZY, AARON: THEY WERE ROLLED UP UM, CIGARETTES THERE WAS ALL KIND OF WHITE. Further, there is some belief that part of the injury to Stevies penis was also a bitemark. The three little boys referenced in the declarations were found brutally murdered in West Memphis, Arkansas in 1993. And the 90s. Basically, anything that both sides agree with I consider to be a fact because its gone undisputed. What stands out to me, is that no one has ever suggested before that the injury to Chris began as a bite. In fact, she too brings up that Buddy was working that day as if that proved anything. This is corroborated by various accounts and also by the fact that Stevie was not a child who disobeyed his parents. Clemente said the first place a child would likely return to is home. If Terry had dropped LG off at 8:45, he could have arrived at the Byers by 8:47 pm, just about the time that Mark Byers testified he arrived. Additionally, Stevie, by both Pam and Terrys accounts was a well behaved boy who did not disobey. My theory is that Chris had tried to get into his home and failed and was heading back to Stevies house when he was picked up by his dad instead. I think he knew it because he knew that Damien didnt really commit this murder and thats why he basically tells his aunt not to tell this lie. And since she couldnt have known this from a sighting, because the sighting never happened, then it must be from some other source. Why would either of these men lie about who they talked to that night unless they both were lying and couldnt get their stories straight? The reason for this is that is that there is an abundance of evidence that shows the three are innocent and at the same time, there is some circumstantial evidence that shows they may be guilty. I think those questions have easy answers. Terry had returned home from his job and accompanied his wife to work. (1) Strangely, Buddy first says that he has a man who will testify that he worked with Buddy all that day and then later on in the conversation, Buddy claims that his boss will testify that he was at work on the 5th. Todd Moore, father of victim Michael Moore, found the evidence against Hobbs unpersuasive. WAS IT LIKE EVERY DAY OR ONCE WEEK OR JUST FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES YOU SAW IT HAPPEN? Tragically, for all involved, no one seemed interested or would return their calls. I just can't get it out of my head. Sometime around 2pm the day of the 6th, Stevie, Michael and Chris were found murdered in a drainage ditch filled with water in the Blue Beacon Woods. In the autopsy reports, it, As noted earlier, the autopsies revealed that Michael was quickly incapacitated with a few defensive wounds to the hands, which implied to the Medical Examiner that Michael. He told the exact same story even though the two men were not in prison together. RIDGE DO YOU REMEMBER THAT DAY ON THE 5TH, DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID THAT DAY? If Terry had been spotted driving around with LG by either the Moores, Byers or any policemen who might have been in the vicinity, that could have raised some difficult questions for Terry to answer. Also, by looking at the photo of the ditch where the boys were found, you can begin to have an understanding of what might have occurred. AARON: UH-UH (NO), BECAUSE THEY NEVER SEEN US. RIDGE IRENE SHE TOLD YOU SOMETHING ABOUT THE DAY THE KIDS WERE MURDERED? When I rewatched PL1, Pam and Terry had broken up when she did the interview outside when she put Stevie's scarf on her head (she was in a red dress). RIDGE: THESE MEN. Turtles would be most attracted to areas that were soft and already leeching blood, according to experts and that is why it appears as though Chris groin had both stab wounds before death and animal predation wounds after death. But what we found over the years of investigating and in the process of creating the series people, their memories fade. Only two people's DNA was ever found at the scene. AARON: IT WAS EVERY DAY BUT, IT WAS EVERY TIME, BUT IT EVERY TIME BUT UM, THE FRIDAY. Sometime after 5:00 Stevie then told his friends he really needed to go home and so they began to head back that way. Buddy also knew Billy, so he, too would have told Terry to go by Billys. How about his fucking alibi, oh wait, the dudehe claimed him as an alibi thinks he did it. Douglas believes the act was meant to dominate, control, humiliate and punish. According to Terrys ex wife, Terry Hobbs first wife had claimed in their divorce papers that he molested their son. No. And if Aaron's story is true, Terry Hobbs may have been involved in homosexual activities and smoking something in the woods with other men and the boys were possibly caught watching them as they'd done multiple times. It appeared as though Christopher was tied up by one person, most likely David Jacoby, in my opinion, since his knots were all the same. Pinterest. This means that they were not free to sit at a computer all day and wade through reams and reams of public evidence to know all the details of the case. Steven Branch had lacerations on his penis which were probably self-inflicted indicating a sexualized child, usually associated with sexual abuse. Ifvery conservativelyone in every 10-20 people is gay or bi, and the police force is made up of 20 people (just a fun number) one of those cops is gonna like dick. She hasnt seen him or Michael by this point. I allege that after Stevie and Chris had been stripped and attacked, Terry began to tie up Stevie. [2] Judge Brian S. Miller dismissed the case and subsequently ordered Hobbs to pay legal fees incurred by the singer in the amount of $17,590. ! Retired FBI profiler, John Douglas, as well as profiler Brent Turvey both believed the entire attack was punitive in nature and that the perpetrator was teaching the boys a lesson for either a real or percieved transgression. Apparently, David initially hit Chris in the face and head with his fists until Terry came over and ordered the boys to be stripped. He is an evil man and true psychopath and the type of man to tie those boys the up the way they were found. YOU JUST THOUGHT IT WAS BAD? In Jareds interview with Hobbs, one of the biggest red flags, according to Clemente, was that Hobbs waited until around 9 p.m. to contact the police and report the child missing, despite no one seeing Steven for hours. Chris Byers brother and others also confirmed that the boys played in those woods very often and the very first statements made by both Aaron and Vickie were that Aaron and the boys played in those woods and secretly watched men engage in sex. Furthermore, the time the boys were seen doing this is also around the time that Aaron Hutchinson claimed they had first seen the men in the woods. At all. I believe he wanted to punish them because he faultedthemfor spying.