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Moak joked earlier this week that he hoped the can wouldnt explode. Message me for more detailed photos and orders in bulk. Thanks Freddy Wright. I was an infantry radio operator with the 196th Light Infantry Brigade, Americal Division, located in the Hiep Duc. SO, GOD BLESS YOU ALL. I agree almost entirely with you assessment of taste and quality and preferences, with one exception: I was a combat photographer with the First Air Cav, and made it my personal mission to photograph an op from each of our original 8 infantry battalions , all of our artillery battalions, and the engineer and cavalry units, plus every company in the Aviation brigade. Meals such as beef stew, spaghetti and meatballs, chili and others were a wonderful diversion from the mundane canned food we were subjected to. BTW, I did some shows with Justin Wilson in New Orleans. Using a John Wayne (a P-38) pierce a series of closely spaced holes around the top and bottom rims of the can. God bless you and I hope that this note finds you well, Sir. Did you see how expensive they are on Ebay? This Nov. 1966 incident happened as his unit left Camp Carroll in the DMZ, walked north, and after two days were ambushed by the NVA and Viet Cong. Honestly, the scrambled egg chunks or beans and weenies werent bad cold, but the rest needed to be heated in order to be palatable. Pingback: Remember C-Rations? After a short naval round almost blew us away, I smoked too many of those Lucky Strike four packs and suffer today as a result. We were the first army division in the first corps at that time. When out on missions, infantry units were re-supplied with food, water, ammunition, clothes and other items by helicopter every three to five days. Cs provided a good snack during night-time flight line work. My older sister, younger brother and I could only imagine what those canned meals tasted like. I ate a years worth 199LIB 11b20 September 69 September 70. Move away from the Chopper and light with matches from C-rat. My last CO loved them. Levine named the threats as mold and deadly botulism if the sealing on the food has been broken, which isnt always visible. It was reported in the media that each soldier in Vietnam had a hot meal each day. Must have been super hot. always seemed to get to to the carton last an last was trash eating. made it somehow. Then mix a bunch of mosquito repellent in about a half of can.use the rest of the peanut better on the very thick (hard tack) crackers!! Yuck. Ive heard so many stories of my fathers childhood in Vietnam; How hed rush out to the roadside and beg American soldiers for their B-Unit snacks, or how he, along with his brothers and cousins, would rummage through the wilderness in hopes of finding c-ration meals, but I was never quite able to picture the things he described in my mind. Open the cracker can leaving the lid attached, fill half way with dirt, then drain some JP-4 from under the Huey in to the can. Because there were several "vintages" of C's issued to the Marines and Seabees in Vietnam, more than 4 items may be listed in the B groups as well as the brands of cigarettes included in the accessory pack. Once lit it would put out a decent favorite was spiced beef.but had to be served hot.cold it sucked. My father used to grumble about C-rations from his service in WWII, also, so it was interesting to read this site. I just wanted to give you a quick heads up! All those you show here was my usual meals at the jungle in Vietnam. Ham and Limas was the favorite for this purpose. We never had cold meals. My dad died in Vietnam in 1965. My Vietnamese would give me a rice ball, or a cooked and salted ballof chicken, or some fish with Nuoc Maum sometimes I carried a can of chili when I could get it at the PX in Saigon. Wait until they run out of cigarettes and trade them for C-Rats. USMC. Same when I came out of the field and started eating mess-hall chow regularly. [1] Although officially a new ration, the MCI was derived from and very similar to the original C-Ration, and in fact continued to be called "C-Rations" by American troops throughout its production life as a combat ration (1958-1980). Canned meals for use in the field. My story is written in letter form with letters to the characters father, to Walter Cronkite and to some other people. Most of them were manufactured the year I was born, or the next after. I do! My friend was in Vietnam and loved the pound cake. For the new guys flying for the first time, we never let them know how to do it. We took them camping, my sister wanted corn dogs, which the bears ate as they passed thru our camp. Toilet paper and mosquito juice in band on our steel pot to keep them dry. You brought back a lot of memories. I am a VA RN and a volunteer wildland firefighter / EMT-B. A second or B unit might include peanut butter and crackers, chocolate, gum, cigarettes, salt, pepper, and sugar, among other items. Larry, as a young WO1 pilot just reporting to Nam, making and using the crew chief stove was one of the first thing my crew chief taught me to do. Thank you for the information on the sauces. P-38! and "M" (meat) units, each menu contained an accessory packet, fruit, and cigarettes. Usually the coffee, sugar and creamer had to be worked over with a bayonet pommel to reconstitute it into powder. Cigarettes, once considered crucial to American fighting men, have sadly gone the way of the daily rum ration. I use to take chip BBQ beef and cut the lid open, set the lid back on top, put the can back in the box and light it on fire. The Vietnamese will sit for hours with a homemade fishing pole fishing. Crash fire. Thanks for your interesting accounts, and for your service. You could boil a canteen cup of water with a pea-size ball of it in 30 seconds. The only drawback was that hot water was needed to make the meal edible, however, the weight of extra water was offset by the lightweight meals. A whole heat tab had to be used. Who could ever forget about C-Rations? During the 1960s C-ration cigarettes were identical to the sample packs of four that tobacco salesreps handed out to the public. The components of the MCI were the M - "Meat Unit", the B - "Bread Unit", and D - "Dessert Unit". DONT HOW THEY PRESEVERED THEM BUT THEY DID A GOOG JOB TSGT CLARENCE C WOODY USAF. Daddys description was not very glowing! It was intended to be issued to U.S. military land forces when fresh food (A-ration) or packaged unprepared food (B-Ration) prepared in mess halls or field kitchens was impractical or not available, and when a survival ration (K-ration or D-ration) was insufficient. It would explain a lot of the stupid decisions Ive made over the years. Must have been around 2006 I was surfing the web trying to find guys I served with and to my surprise I found a website from the unit I served with, 1st bn 22nd inf, 4th inf division. Serving in the Marine corps the beef stew in cans, cold,! Thank you for your time. It was illustrated by Fred Rhoads. Looked for the fruit cans mostly, but some of the other items were tasty too. Ive also created a poll to help identify my website audience before leaving, can you please click HERE and choose the one item best describing you. Though intended only for use in combat conditions, troops often ate K-rations for weeks on end, and they quickly tired of the monotonous meals. Not to bad either! Doc Shyab. Pingback: A brief history of coffee in the US military, Your website really help me and my grandson doing a paper on me. It was a common thing to trade C rations for cigarettes. Free delivery for many products! We would get a hot meal maybe onced a month. And one day I plan on working as a flight RN / EMT-P as well as continuing to either work or volunteer as a firefighter. Moak said he wasnt worried about getting sick from any bacteria that may have gotten into the old can, because it looked sealed. Almost never saw heat tabs , we called them c tabs they didnt want us to have flames. The new menu (late 1968 onward) included good stuff like beans & weenies. A can opener (called both a John Wayne or a P-38) was needed to open the cans. I was at minimum weight then. | dng sng c. Only hot meal was the last morning for chow. Pour out all of the heavy syrup, and 3.) Warrant officer. were dog rations and c rations the same thing? The C-ration (officially Field Ration . Pleasure speaking to you. Great articlebrings back many memories of the bad old days. Often got Cs that had been packaged right after the Korean war. 1966-67 Only down fall was it was instant heart burn. $90 VE-545 Can Opener from the C-Ration Crate. shows storage age and wear and is still sealed. Pingback: Feasting on the Frontlines: The Vietnam War Discussing Food History. Spent almost 2 yrs in Northern I corps. Missed the initial one 4 years ago. $100 VE-546 Choice Vietnam Jungle Boots, size 12. I grew up in Pensacola,and lived on tabasco sauce for my oysters and everything else, and while in Nam I came up with an idea for my own hot sauce for eating c rations with,and wrote it down in a notebook we kept our call signs and frequencies in. $40 . This would include various survival items and rations. These simple treats brought so much joy to my dad; It has sparked a lifelong love in him for them even to this day (the canned peanut butter and fruitcake to be exact). Your email address will not be published. Sorry 11Bs I always took my favorite out first. He jokingly staggered back a few feet and loudly cleared his throat, while one person yelled out, Eeww, gross!. when opening in Internet Explorer, it has some overlapping. Brought back lots of memories. Very interesting. Close to Mom!s chocolate cookie mix before she put on the cooking ban to bake. Moat says though he warned his children over the years not to touch his pound cake, he did let them eat some other rations when they were growing up in the 1980s, including canned spaghetti and crackers. In 1976 I found the notebook in some old Marine stuff I was going through and I finally got to make the sauce,and it was pretty darn good. Food was of secondary importance. The ration had to contain meat, bread, canned fruit, and some kind of dessert. in Nam and why I dont like fruit cocktail to this day.In the last part of my tour, it was pecan roll and coffee. Explore Vietnam C Ration Cigarette with all the useful information below including suggestions, reviews, top brands, and related recipes,. Within shouting distance of us was a huge Marine Mess. I liked ham and limas. needs p38 please, thank you!my last original.took leave three yrs became stolen We learned how to cook rice in an ammo can and that Ham & MFs with greens, heated and served hot over the rice with some kimchee as a condiment was a decent meal. Loved the lerps when we could get them. There were times I ate the Cs and the dates were from the Korean years. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); My c-rations in 1965 that I ate in Vietnam were dated 1945 being 20 years old ! Heating the meals and water required a small stove (see article below) with Sterno tabs or C-4 plastic explosive, the later burning very hot and fast preferred for quick meals. ate a lot as a kid . WWII US Army Marine Corps K- Ration inner wax box ration Dinner ad vertisement by noviopera. Grab a small loaf of bahn-mi or baguette from the village baker with a can of boned chicken gently heated on the V-100 manifoldThat and a ba-moui-ba brewnot bad. I really enjoyed reading these replies about c-rations and your experiences in Vietnam. Old Marine. I did 3 tours 69-71 with Army artillery..Our 1st c rats were stamped 1946 and tasted no differnt than those made in the 60s..Beans and Weenies all the way! We had c-rats (MCIs) in basic and in Germany on FTX until about 83, then we got MREs over there. During the 1960s C-ration cigarettes were identical to the sample packs of four that tobacco salesreps handed out to the public. In the aviation community wed take a can of biscuits, poke holes in it, pour some JP4 into it, and voila a stove!! Had to have Tabasco sauce for the C rats. Id buy several cases in an instant. meal eggs always looked greenish . Replace with VO or whatever whiskey you can find. Original was from a formerly unopened original accessory pack. As a historian, these are important details as even food technologies change. C-Rations varied considerably through their 20 plus year service. The ration was very heavy, weighing 5 lbs . It was great when someone got a care package from homewe all shared. On the way we had C-Rats, I liked the Ham and Lima beans, they were easy to trade for as a lot of guys like you did not like them. We had C Rations to eat while in the Pentagon Oct 21st 1967 while the war protest march was going on. (Ham and eggs) they were the worst. Check my other listings for different quantities. We, the Army Inspectors, condemned them all. Military explosives? Hi mates, good paragraph and fastidious urging commented here, I am genuinely enjoying by these. lemon aid powder was good with some descent tasting water, [] [], [] freeze dried meals Ive tried over the years didnt taste much better than the C rations I ate in the military. Tellander Sgt USMC. Yes I remembered those olive canned food because my dad, VNs regime Officer before 1975, let me tried > canned of chocolate in foil, cake, peach, M&M, shredded pork ( ? Nov 16, 2013 at 2338hrs, Being an MACV Advisor C-rations always tasted good when ever we had a chance to beg some. after this became the way of doing it. My two favorites were green eggs and ham and yes, ham and lima beans. And at 75 years old, thats a blessing. We had would get rations of beer and soda dropped off often in the jungles. However, brilliant military minds said we could not eat there and our 12 hour shifts were intense preventing us from taking a journey to the other side. The brands I remember are: Marlboro, Winston, Camel, Pall Mall, Old Gold, Raleigh, Salem, Kool, Chesterfield, Newport & Lucky Strike . 34 watchers Gen. Walter S. McIlhenny son of the 2nd company president of McIlhenny Company from his experiences with C-Rations as a soldier during WWII came up with the idea to send soldiers copies of the Charlie Ration Cookbook filled with recipes for spicing up C-rations with Tabasco Pepper Sauce wrapped around two-ounce bottles of Tabasco Pepper Sauce along with a handful of a P-38 type can openers all in a waterproof canister. Though it had been given a new name, the MCI was in essence still the canned C ration of prior years. I also still have my P-38. Not sure how the armor units split their meals. Even for me being a FNG they were a treat but I didnt appreciate them as much as the old timers did. I was a high-speed radio operator (MOS 062) during the peacetime years 1955-58, after Korea and before Vietnam. Click Here for web printable Marlboro Cigarettes from C-Ration Accessory Pack. Its characteristics emphasize utility, flexibility of use, and more variety of food components than were included in the Ration, Combat, Individual (C Ration), which it replaces. it seemed like that to me :)) , and shredded beef ( per my visual to call it as such) . Do you remember your special recipes? vet 69-73 does any one have a recipe for meat and beans? C-ration cigarettes were discontinued in 1972. Today Gover keeps a . Reply With []. Should you have a question or comment about this article, then scroll down to the comment section below to leave your response. Vietnam War C-Ration Cigarette Pack Lucky Strike Repro Opens in a new window or tab. 98 the LEMCO Cha Rang Valley 66 67. Less known is that an unlikely snack . I was raised on Spam in South Dakota and Minnesota since Spam is manufactured in Minn. To this day I enjoy Spam sandwiches!! Answer (1 of 10): I served in the Regular Army, Feb. '61- Feb. '64 and saw many brands of 5 cigarette packs in the C-Rations that we were issued. Greg Dearborn says: The foil pieces are 1.75"x1.75" and 1.75"x6" in size. the military mess kit also comes with a military fork, knife and spoon. Reunion 2006 Grand Lakes O The Cherokees,OK, Audie Murphy Presidential Medal ofFreedom,,, Army C Rations: 21 Cool Facts - Citizen Soldier Resource Center. U.S. Army photo The C-4 was safe to use as long as it wasnt compressed or using too much at one time. Despite the new name, the MCI was still popularly referred to by the troops as "C-Rations" (or "Charlie rats"), which it resembled in nearly all respects. I too was in Berlin during the cold war. New Reproduction C-Rations Available. Hey me too other good ones were Beans and Balls Beans and Dicks Beef and Potato couldnt eat the egg thing spaghetti could not be cooked in the can, it would just rise up as a blob, cold top and burned bottom Ive got peaches, whos got the pound cake, I saved my ham & lima beans until we returned to the rear, then put the on the stove, boiling hot with a little hot sauce made me happy, Wow, how did we survive. They learned quickly when the cans exploded and Messed up my airplane said the M/Sgt who was the flight engineer sitting across from the voltage regulators. C-Ration: Development began in 1938 and was completed between 1941 and 1945. Stumbled across this interesting site. The 4 meals I remember are 1- chopped ham and eggs 2 beans and wieners 3- ham and lima beans 4- beefsteak and potatoes. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. There are several websites dedicated to US military combat rations that show all the brands. Anything a dog wont eat should not be consumed by a human. A strictly utilitarian use of C-rations for crew chiefs and gunners on our D model Hueys was to replace the M-60 feed chute with a can of Cs. C-packs also contained cartons of Cigaretts, M&Ms and other favorites, However, none of us wanted to carry that much extra weight on our backs, instead, most settling for a single complete meal per day and extra cans of crackers, cakes and fruit to supplement their diet until the next resupply all stuffed into a sock and tied to the back of a rucksack. Enjoy! description of C-Rations used in Vietnam: The small cans included in the meal were ideal for making a stove. Everything was always better with Tabbasco Sauce to spice it up. Abandoned my country, Vietnam, in 1975, but that did not make me hating them. While on this maneuver I celebrated my birthday by having grape jelly with my pound cake. Welcome back. Oh man, I love your story. C Ration Cigarettes (1 - 3 of 3 results) Price ($) Any price Under $25 $25 to $100 $100 to $250 . 2. So, I have no military or Nam stories to tell, darn it! I would have beer almost every day. The local food in Thailand deserves its stellar reputation. Fortunately I was able to run down a medic with some antacid. My dad knows what its called in Vietnamese, but has no clue what it is in English. Interesting article but a really dumb question? The 4-Pack Cigarettes Package of Toilet Tissue C Ration Packaging. Kindest regards. of my hand did not care about cut hand But mad till this day B9719 VIETNAM ERA US Military C Ration Spoon in plastic bag IR19A - $16.35. PHU BAI, CAMP CARROLL, NAM 66/67. The VC had no heart pinned down one day took out my last Well not like from our great restaurants. Forty years later, Henry A. Moak, Jr., still loves his pound cake. Then there was the white worms in red sauce. Pall Mall, Luckies, Winston, Salem and Benson & Hedges Menthol were five of the brands found in Vietnam era field ration packets. I was a cold war veteran spending my 3 years in Germany, but we were issued them for field trips, alerts and exercises. I have the greatest respect for the grunts they did it with ingenuity and a lot of common sense. Every once in awhile they would send us out real food and some Beer and coke. Vietnam Us Army Usgi C Ration Boxes Sold by militarydepotga in Woodstock Buy Now! Gun Pilot, B3, the co co package. In 1966 during the Vietnam war Brig. Hot or room temp, either way I always got a major bought of heart burn shortly after consuming the spiced beef. Mass-2 Marine attached to the 3rd Marine Div. He was not overly fond of them, but did eat to stay alive. Reblogged this on Cherries A Vietnam War Novel and commented: Heres a blast from the pasta favorite article by visitors posted over 4 yrs. I was with the 173rd Airborne/2ndBn 503rd Infantry. During the 1960s C-ration cigarettes were identical to the sample packs of four that tobacco salesreps handed out to the public. I get a lot of the cans of fruit cake. You are describing a military mess kit, but they were not used by most GIs in Viet Nam. The standard ration pack issued to infantrymen in Vietnam was the Australian Combat Ration (One Man). This is the officialQuartermastersdescription of C-Rations used in Vietnam: The Meal, Combat, Individual, is designed for issue as the tactical situation dictates, either in individual units as a meal or in multiples of three as a complete ration. Three of us hailed a cab & that older gent stopped & bought us a six pack. The coffee, sugar, creamer and hot cocoa came in paper envelopes. These reminiscences take me back. $40 : VE-1124 Mortar carrier's shoulder pads, to support the metal barrel. That part didn't last long after the war, as the dangers of smoking cigarettes became more widely known.