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Then things get ugly. If we aren't willing to tell them about Jesus, how can we ever invite them to experience all that He has for them? 8:28-29; 1 Cor. Paul and Silas were so strong in the Lord that they prayed and sang hymns instead, A. He brought them up into his house, and set food before them, and rejoiced greatly, with all his household, having believed in God (v. 34). The actions of Paul and Silas, therefore, constitute a powerful witness to the rest of the prisoners. All Videos Images Commentaries Devotionals Other Translations Sermons Related Scriptures Podcasts Blogs. * This morning, as we gather for worship, delegates from the United Methodist Church around the world are gathered in St. Louis for the Special Session of General Conference. He Came to Earth that Winter Night A Christmas Hymn, He came to dwell among us A Sermon for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, In the Dark A Sermon for the First Sunday of Advent, Year A, Displaced Persons A Sermon on Jeremiah 29: 1-14. Middle Eastern nations often import female workers whose legal contracts constitute a form of indentured servitude. read more, Scripture: When God says "no" it's because He wants what's best for us. Isaiah 35:10. C.S. Today we have another story about lives changed. Kapitulli 2: (Christ) Rescue of the Lost Lamb. I have only listed the points and a couple of comments under each point of each sermon to give the preacher a remembrance which the Holy Spirit can lead on and speak through the man of God. Lyle Lovett Sermon Seeds. Forsyth B. He explains, For though I was free from all, I brought myself under bondage to all, that I might gain the more (1 Corinthians 9:19). Sunday School Lesson December 25 Lesson 4 (KJV) Mary Rejoices Devotional Reading: Isaiah 9:1-7 Background Scripture: Luke 1:46-55 Luke 1:46-55 46 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, 47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. The greatest message. When you are treated wrongly, entrust your soul to a faithful Creator in doing what is right. ; Luke is a travel companion of the Apostle Paul. The miracle that God has worked is not just for the deliverance of Paul and Silas, but also for the deliverance of the jailer. Sister Jensen glances at her students and taps several times on her phone. He says, For he who was called in the Lord being a bondservant is the Lords free man. Introduction Soren Kierkegaard read more, Scripture: George Herbert ACTS 16:25-30 And at midnight Paul and Silas . (v. 27). Feb 12, 1989. Dexter Gordon We cant invent them either. Sermon: Faithfulness is the Key to God's Blessings, Sermon Notes: The Parable of the Prodigal Son, Sermon Notes: Healing a Paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda, Sermon: The 3 kinds of prayer: Ask-Seek-Knock, New Year Sermon: An old Challenge for a New Year, Fathers Day Sermon: Qualities of a Godly Father. Lee Lever says: May 12, 2016 at 12:04 pm June 2, 2022 by Kristin Schmidt. Intro: Having lost in a fire virtually everything they owned, the Spafford family made new plans, including a move from Chicago to France.Horatio Spafford planned the trip for his wife and four daughters to be as trouble-free as possible. Ultimately the words of the demon within her were getting more of a hearing than the proclamation of the Gospel itself! Beginning of the Book of Acts in Coptic; circa 4th or 5th Century. Breaking chains, Opening Doors A Sermon on Acts 16:16-34, https://anchor.fm/sunday-on-the-commons/episodes/Open-DoorsBroken-ChainsGuest-Preacher-the-RevDrRichard-LFloydJune-22019-e48v6m. Ive had congregants on the cover of Forbes Magazine. Jonathan Edwards Anyone who thinks that slavery ended with the American Civil War is sadly mistaken. He rings the bell and the owner tells him the dog is in the backyard. They met Lydia, a seller of purple, there, and baptized her and her family (16:11-15). But that is not the only thing . The Christian As A Citizen -Acts 16: 35-40. They told the judges that Paul and Silas had brought a lot of trouble to the city. 0:07. Luke does not tell us whether this is a sabbath. Staying faithful through difficult circumstances. 13 On the Sabbath we Donald Bloesch read more, Scripture: Acts 25. Dorothy Sayers Acknowledgement in oral presentations is not required. To her owners, this girl is nothing but a money machine. She earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune-telling. The 95-year-old Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed away on Saturday at 9:34 AM in his residence at the Vatican's Mater Ecclesiae Monastery. Luke gives us no information concerning the content of these prayers, but the hymn-singing makes it clear that Paul and Silas are anything but depressed, defeated prisoners. If we aren't willing to tell them about Jesus, how can we ever invite them to experience all that He has for them? Lydia is moved by Pauls teaching, the jailer by the dramatic earthquake and opening of his prison, the slave girl by being freed from her demon. Her Deliverance and salvation Our responsibility in such difficult times is to trust and obey Him. Brevard Childs In this latest instance, the jailer knows that his life is forfeit if even one prisoner has escapedand all the prison doors are open, so surely more than one prisoner has escaped. 1. It's kind of IT WAS A BAD SITUATION The ASV, which is also in the public domain due to expired copyrights, was a very good translation, but included many archaic words (hast, shineth, etc. read more, Scripture: Some are once born and never experience conversion but still know and follow Jesus. Proposition: Luke shares with us the story of the young Pythoness - 1. you and your household (v. 31a). I was too young to remember the event but I can only imagine how difficult it must have . THE PRISON OF HIS PRAISES. read more, Scripture: So, what are the theological points Luke is trying to make? The Greek word for "nations is 'ethnos' and means a race, tribe, or a people group in every area of the Earth. James Taylor B. In todays sermon, I am going to present to you four principles that make Christian ministry effective as seen in Acts 16:16-34. verses 16 - 18) Every morning and every evening the head of a Jewish Many similar forms of slavery exist throughout the world today. . This is the point. When Luke says that this girl has a pneuma pythonaa python spirithe means that people believe that she can tap into divine powers for wisdom and guidancethat she is, in essence, a human intermediary for divine powers. But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Dont harm yourself, for we are all here (v. 28). Lesson 18 - Luke 18:35-43; 19:1-48 Topic: Jesus Is Headed To Jerusalem. The Board of Education which went to the Supreme Court. IN OTHER WORDS, CHOICES, THE ENVIRONMENT OF CHOICE Introduction He rings the bell and the owner tells him the dog is in the backyard. At midnight, the darkness would be all-encompassing. The book of Acts emphasizes the power and abilities of the leaders of the Jesus movement. The ex-fortune teller, the jailer, and his family became the first members of the new church, C. Paul and Silas even in their seemingly despairing situation did not lose morale because they were aware that God has a bigger plan. The proclamation of the Gospel continues, this time to the jailer and all who were in his househis family and possibly servants as well. One of the persistent features of the New Testament is the ability of various spirits and demons to recognize Jesus, even when others (especially the disciples) are clueless. Jesus had cast demons from men into pigs nearby (Matt. Gail Godwin He then brought them out and asked, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? He is powerful. All Sermons Bible Studies Devotionals Prayers. The best example of the topsy-turvy values of the Gospel in our story is the contrast between the Roman jailer and Paul and Silas. It also records the conversion of a Roman jailer and his household (16:29-34), demonstrating the ability of the Gospel to penetrate into the hearts of people from all walks of life. Her Declaration concerning Paul and His mission and 3. After the earthquake breaks their shackles and opens their prison door they dont even try to run away. Last time, we saw that Paul heard God and because of his obedience, the gospel entered Europe. Acts 16:16-34, Denomination: The owners accuse Paul and Silas of disturbing the peace and being Jews, a bit of Roman anti-Semitism, and the crowd riots, and beat them within an inch of their lives. It would be a great encouragement to me and a contribution to the edification of the Church. The jailer demonstrates his new faith by taking care of their wounds and by being baptized. Patrick O'Brian Required fields are marked *. A) IN JAIL FOR The Church must "Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation" to every person in every nation to the remotest part of "the earth" before Jesus returns (Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8 ESV). Lutheran. Quite simply, it means even if something appears to be free, there's always some kind of catch. and brought them out (v. 30). The prisoners must have all ran Each of these stories is different and particular in the same way that each of our stories with God are different and particular. Luke (Acts 16:16-40) and Ephesus (Acts 19:23-41), and against Jewish rioters on two occasions (Acts 17:1-17; Acts 18:12-17). Why did God say maybe? Today, well look at the salvation of the slave girl and There are several: God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to reduce to nothing things that are, so that no one might boast in the presence of God. (I Corinthians 1: 27-29). Scripture: Acts 3:19, Acts 16:31. It is not illegal to be a Jew, but these accusers are hoping to hook into anti-Semitic sentiments among the officials and/or the crowd. Invitations, Part 6 They are not free. In the first instance, Peter and other disciples were healing large numbers of people in the temple when the high priest had the disciples arrested and put in public prison. Paul was well aware of this, (1 Thessalonians 2:6-7). The Noble Brethren Of Berea -Acts 17: 10-14. Acts 20. Witness how God can ta, When The Chains Come Off - Acts 16:16-34 - May 22, 2011 Tricky Questions. Barclay, William, Daily Study Bible: Acts, (Edinburgh: The Saint Andrew Press, 1976), Bock, Darrell L., Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Acts (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2007), Bruce, F. F., The New International Commentary on the New Testament: The Book of Acts (Revised)(Grand Rapids: William B Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1988), Chance, J. Bradley, The Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary: Acts (Macon, Georgia: Smyth & Helwys Publishing, Inc., 2007), Craddock, Fred B.; Hayes, John H.; Holliday, Carl R.; and Tucker, Gene M., Preaching Through the Christian Year, C (Valley Forge: Trinity Press, 1994), Farris, Lawrence W., in Van Harn, Roger (ed. read more, Scripture: Illus. Chrysostom said of this incident, He (the jailer) washed and was washed. They occur when you least expect them. A Very Real Enemy Saul Bellow HAVE YOU EVER BEEN DOING GOOD AND THE DEVIL JUMP ON YOU? Why did God say maybe? Jesus Heals a Man Unable to Speak. It's kind of It is the slave-girls owners who bring Paul and Silas before these strategois (magistrates). Are you Dreaming of an effective ministry? Acts 16:1-31, What you're going through is a praise, prayer and song away from turning around, In the New York Times there was an article stipulating the population of the prison system, this article asserts that the United States of America constitutes 5 percent of the worlds population, but it houses 25 percent of the prison population. The Greek word doulos means bond-servant or slave. verses 16 - 18) Lydia was both financially prosperous and socially independent. Picture for a moment how many doors we walk through every day- the bedroom door, the bathroom door, the front door, the back door, the car door, and the garage door. Jump to: New Testament. read more, Scripture: "Look how much bigger you are. read more, Scripture: A. Like Lydia earlier (v. 15), these new converts extend genuine hospitality to Paul and Silas. James 26Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyones bonds were loosened. TANSTAAFL is an acronym for the old adage, "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch," reportedly coined by Robert Heinlein. 27 When the jailer woke up and saw . Acts 22. who brought her masters much gain by fortune telling (manteuomeneprophesying) (v. 16d). Texts: Psalm 27; Acts 16:16-34 "FOCUS" What do you do with what happens to you? read more, Scripture: Then they threw them in prison, in the deepest cell, and placed their feet in the stocks. The Conference officially . The prisoners must have all ran Jane Austen About the Book of Acts in general: The author of the Book of Acts is Luke. Paul and Silas show us four aspects of a right response to wrong treatment. Nazarene. Acts 16:16-24. Meanwhile, Roman readers may have approved of Paul's censure . Witness how God can ta, When The Chains Come Off - Acts 16:16-34 - May 22, 2011 read more, Scripture: The jailer is a functionary of the most powerful empire in the known world. The sermons that I have listed are 30 to 40 minute sermons. construction jobs san antonio part time Oh Lord Almighty God we need you right now, we need you right now Reveal your Glory, Reveal your Glory, and pour your spirit out We need you, We need you We . This strikes fear in the heart of the magistrates, because they do not have the authority to beat and jail Roman citizens without due process of law. X (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2002), Walaskay, Paul W., Westminster Bible Companion: Acts (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1998), Williams, David J., New International Biblical Commentary: Acts (Paternoster Press, 1995), Willimon, William H., Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching: Acts (Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1988), Copyright 2009, 2010, Richard Niell Donovan, All Rights Reserved | 1997-2023 Richard Niell Donovan. Max L. Stackhouse Acts 16:16-34 Songs in the Night . What the accusers do not know, but Paul will later reveal (v. 37) is that he and Silas are also Roman citizens. Marva Dawn There are two stories of salvation in Acts 16, and it feels as though Dr. Luke has picked these two stories for their very different feel and color. Seize the opportunity. The slave girl was a prophetess. Matthew 22:17. Van Morrison Showing Our Love for Jesus. Acts 16:16-34 May 16, 2010 . In ministry see the bigger picture. Now they identify themselves as Romansa status that they enjoy as citizens of Philippi, a Roman colony. Marilynne Robinson Today, well look at the salvation of the slave girl and Robert Jenson Acts 16:17 Demonic Witness. Then stand strong and preach without ceasing, and the Lord will use you. read more, Scripture: and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyones bonds were loosened (v. 26b). You see, that will be the day that I die. 26 (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1992), Wall, Robert W., The New Interpreters Bible: Acts, Romans, I Corinthians, Vol. No matter what your need is How did God guide the missionaries in their travels? Merchants would have their booths there, but the agora would also be where authorities would hold public court. He would take his own life before suffering the shame of not doing his job for Rome. Acts 16:16-18 They are probably duumvirs, a word that comes from the Roman duo (meaning two) and vir (meaning man). Paul would not disagree with her characterization. He took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes, and was immediately baptized, he and all his household (v. 33). "Giving thanks always for all things to God" (Eph 5:20) b. Paul said, "abound with thanksgiving" (Col. 2:7) c. It is God's will that we be thankful - "in everything give thanks" (1 The. **HELPING A LITTLE GIRL They are not powerful. J.S. 17 She followed Paul and the rest of us, shouting, "These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you . Then grab every opportunity that God sends on your way. Acts 19. A Sermon by Alex Evans, Pastor. (16:6) 642. Who directed the missionaries away from Asia? Here are some reflections from a sermon I preached in 2010. For Philippians Most High God meant a Phoenician deity, for Jews it was the Lord our God and for Greeks it meant Zeus, B. Joanna / May 6, 2013. Using an earthquake for his purposes, God opens the prison doors and unfastens the prisoners chains so that Paul and Silas are free to escape. All was lost. [Image: Marnie Pix] 1. Acts 17. By Dr. Keith Wagner. John Piper Feb 12, 1989. Acts 16:16-18, Denomination: She has "a spirit of divination," and because of her gifts of prophecy, her handlers have been able to amass a good deal of money from her powers of prognostication. Paul and Silas make it clear to the jailer that his household can enjoy the same salvation that they are offering him. . Download the teaching notes, gather your object . Miles Davis Sermon. with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by How do we stand strong during persecution? We cant be sure.