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The giants in the Bible and book of Enoch, have a serious truth to it. A US Supreme Court ruling has forced the Smithsonian institution to release classified papers dating from the early 1900's that proves the organization was involved in a major historical cover up. Do you perchance have a website/mailing list/podcast or some way to keep apprised of your research? The book of Enoch and other apocrypha, which at much earlier dates were considered cannon, have proven this for me. even if this is not believable, but of course our understanding about those wonderful discoveries shall us all make think no different and our history (his story) shall be and needs to be re written..Humans have been grand for millions of years! It is located on government land and no visitor will be allowed there under penalty of trespass. Geologist Allan Krill, a visiting professor from Norway at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), came across a boulder marked with set of fossil footprints while on a hike with students in 2016, according to a news release this week from the park. Nor are there any official versions or references to this enigmatic subterranean city. The central axis of the underground city made it a gigantic camera from which radiated passages similar to the radii of a wheel. From what is mentioned in the article, the climb up or down the Grand Canyon walls could pose a serious threat. 2023 Cable News Network. It would be a crisis of faith for many. The Smithsonian Institute denies having knowledge of the existence of this underground city. (AP)-- A retired Ohio doctor has discovered relics of an ancient civilization, whose men were 8 or 9 feet tall in the Colorado desert near the Arizona-Nevada-California line, an associate said today. Backstory: The so-called curse originated as a marketing ploy devised by jeweler Pierre Cartier to entice Washington, D.C. socialite Evalyn Walsh McLean to buy the gem. Most of the bones and skulls that were once considered to be historical artifacts have been returned to tribes for burial. Where is it now? They contain seeds of various kinds. This is fascinating information. Great stuff, Timothy. The more I dug into this story to see if I could prove or disprove its credibility, the more I found confusing information. tell you all you need to know. One thing I have not spoken of, may be of interest. Further explorations revealed interesting data on the beliefs of these alleged giants of the city. Did you encounter any technical issues? I am also wondering if the Anasazi tribe was related somehow? 18 Strange Skeletons Found in Wisconsin Nine-foot Skeletons with Huge Heads and Strange Facial Features Shocked Scientists When They Were Uncovered 107 Year Ago Scientists are remaining stubbornly silent about a lost race of giants found in burial mounds near Lake Delavan, Wisconsin, in May 1912. This was an unprecedented find in the Grand Canyon, which soon repeated in the press. At this point, I can not confirm or deny the storys legitimacy. THE LOST CITY OF Z The entrance was about 450 meters under the wall of the steep canyon. The Grand Canyon is a mile-deep gorge in northern Arizona. A civilization that only left us some structures as a testimony of its existence. Smithsonian scientists identified at least 17 skeletons that stood at over seven feet in their annual reports, including one example that was 8 feet tall, and a skull with a 36-inch circumference reported from Anna, Illinois in the Smithsonian Annual Report of 1873, (an average human skull is about 20 inches in circumference). Maybe it could be viewed by a drone without trespassing? More than 30 meters from the entrance is a room with a cross-shaped plant several tens of meters long and where an idol was found that could have been the main god of his religious system. A study of the substantial evidence for a former race of giants in North America and its 150-year suppression by the Smithsonian Institution Shows how thousands of giant skeletons have been found, particularly in the Mississippi Valley, as well as the ruins of the giants' cities Explores 400 years of giant finds, including newspaper articles, first person accounts, state historical . The Hopi Indians believe it is the gateway to the afterlife. An Underground City Full Of Giant Skeletons Discovered In The Grand Canyon Posted on December 13, 2022 by linh In the early 20th century, chance led us to the gate of the underground town of the most prominent giants of that period. That is the tradition. Thank you for magnificent information I was looking for this information for my mission. The last camera they found on the exploration was what Kinkaid and his partner, Professor SA Jordan, a ceremonial crypt, believed to be at the end of the great hall where they found the mummies. I would like to ask you to ponder on a couple of things. Definitely covering up something! The Grand Canyon was the birthplace of a culture in which, according to an article published in the Gazeta de Arizona in April 5, 1909, people of cyclopean proportions existed. smells like a cover up to me. Whe it was, Your email address will not be published. This area goes along with the Arizona Gazette description and I believe that because the East canyon walls are owned by the Navaho Indians, theres a good possibility that I have the correct spot. When I saw the chisel marks on the wall inside the entrance, I got interested, I got my gun and I went in. Is this what we need to learn now? What was printed in the Arizona Gazette Newspaper on April 5th, 1909 is something that I found remarkably interesting. My viewpoint is from a biblical perspective. This is all folklore, nothing but old wives tales, merely works of fiction. All this is carved out of hard rock resembling marble. The Smithsonian Institute denies having knowledge of the existence of this underground city. "This was just made public a few months ago. THE LOST CITY OF THE MONKEY GOD Machetto, who was their chief, counseled them to leave the underworld, but there was no way out. The tweet has garnered over 100 likes as of press time. Now old and doctored images of giant human skeletons have found their way online as "recent ones". His trip consisted of several places, but one location may have changed the way we think about the Grand Canyon and our government organizations that research history. This could be another clue to the mystery. Moderation? I gathered a number of relics, which I carried down the Colorado to Yuma, from whence I shipped them to Washington with details of the discovery. At the head of each is a small bench, on which is found copper cups and pieces of broken swords. The walls of the main chamber were adorned with copper weapons and tablets covered with symbols and hieroglyphic characters very similar to those we know in Egypt. History offends the naive unfortunately . Several hundred rooms have been discovered, reached by passageways running from the main passage, one of them having been explored for 854 feet and another 634 feet. If this story is true, then I would say we have a lot to lose. In 1896 archaeologists excavating Pueblo Bonito, a 650-room, multistory brick edifice in northwestern New Mexico's Chaco Canyon, found the remains of 14 people in a burial crypt. DO NOT TO EVER BE AFRAID! We previously had no information about that.. Is everything as it seems, or is there more to the story? Lets say that this story has no real meaning and its nothing but a story, something to spice up a good hunt, its still an interesting thought. He had a companion and a wooden boat. A giant skeleton was unearthed outside of West Bend near Lizard Mound County Park and assembled by local farmers to a height of eight feet. ALL MOUNTAINS ARE MELTED RED-BRICK+MORTAR BUILDINGS! The central axis of the underground city made it a gigantic camera from which radiated passages similar to the radii of a wheel. A civilization that only left us some structures as a testimony of its existence. Lets start off with why the government may have hidden this story from the public. This idol had a certain resemblance to Buddha, although the scientists of the time did not finish assuring that it represented that religious cult. Is that possible? This leads to the belief that this exterior section was the warriors barracks. The pottery work includes enameled ware and glazed vessels. According to their descriptions, the entrance to this mysterious city was at the end of a tunnel that extended for something more than 1,600 meters underground. Kinkaid said. The article also talks about the discovery of ceramics and other artifacts with trademarks having been manufactured in other parts of the world. The walls of the main chamber were adorned with copper weapons and tablets covered with symbols and hieroglyphic characters very similar to those we know in Egypt. Further explorations revealed interesting data on the beliefs of these alleged giants of the city. After some time, I started to believe that the documents are not pointless, they were just vague. An Underground City Full Of Giant Skeletons Discovered In The Grand Canyon by James Rink | May 24, 2020 | Uncategorized These relics are from a atlantian outpost which settled the area of the grand canyon during the time of Atlantis.- James Rink These people undoubtedly knew the lost art of hardening this metal, which has been sought by chemicals for centuries without result. Other reports of the discovery of buried giants were also found in the South, Midwest, and West coast. Until then, UNDERGROUND EGYPTIAN CITY HIDDEN IN THE GRAND CANYON, Written By Timothy C Draper | Historical Treasure Hunter | January 2021, Optimized by The Digital Guruz, SEO Company Sheffield, UK. Copyright 2023, Stonewell Global. The architecture found suggested that the builders of that subterranean city possessed advanced engineering skills. According to the story related to the Gazette by Mr. Kinkaid, the archeologists of the Smithsonian Institute. GO! WHAT WOULD BE THE REASON? Pictures of giant skeletal humans are going viral on Twitter, reiterating a belief in "Nephilim" skeletons with Biblical references. Discovery Of The Lost City In Grand Canyon, SUNKEN TREASURES OF THE CARIBBEAN - Treasures in America, Teknetics Metal Detectors and Accessories. Jason and Robert, if you are interested in the book of Enoch, I suggest you read the works of Michael S. Heiser. The lies are OVER! The obviously human remains were allegedly excavated from an ancient burial mound near Sayre, Pennsylvania, in the 1880s. The remains near Lake Delawan were found by the Peterson brothers and in height they were really gigantic from 231 to 305 cm. This idol had a certain resemblance to Buddha, although the scientists of the time did not finish assuring that it represented that religious cult. The Grand Canyon was the birthplace of a culture in which, according to an article published in the Gazeta de Arizona on April 5, 1909, people of cyclopean proportions existed. useful and it has helped me out loads. Some were claimed to have sandstones buried with them carved with hieroglyphics. The legend was learned by W.E. There are two theories of the origin of the Egyptians. A Warner Bros. DeHart, M.D. This was an unprecedented find in the Grand Canyon, which soon repeated in the press. There was nothing stopping them but nature itself. For some of you that are new to stories like this, it may seem impossible but to others, this story seems like it could be real and someone should do something about hunting down more clues and evidence so we all can know for ourselves. Research by paleontologists confirmed that a series of recently discovered fossil tracks in Grand Canyon National Park are the oldest of their recorded in the region. PREHISTORIC MEN SEVEN FEET TALL WHO ONCE LIVED IN WHAT IS MARYLAND. The article mentions the discovery of a huge subterranean citadel by an explorer named GE Kinkaid, who accidentally found it while rafting on the Colorado River. Some of it is passed every day by hikers and adventurers and they dont recognize it. The last camera they found on the exploration was what Kinkaid and his partner, Professor SA Jordan, a ceremonial crypt, believed to be at the end of the great hall where they found the mummies. This is one of the most interesting stories because of the follow-up findings. This idol had a certain resemblance to Buddha, although the scientists of the time did not finish assuring that it represented that religious cult. Kinkaid said he had taken photographs of one of them with a flashlight, however, none of those photos were found. Not hard in my opinion. Freezing and drinking too much water Strangely, people have also died from freezing and from drinking too much water! Kinkaid was impressed that the cavern was almost inaccessible. Paleontologists from the neighboring Petrified Forest National Park were part of a team that collected the Permian-aged skeleton in the backcountry of Canyonlands National Park. If it isnt true, everyones life would go on and nothing would change. The recent finds include articles that have never been known as native to this country, and doubtless, they had their origin in the orient. Chance brought us to the entrance of the underground town of the most notable giants of the early 20th century. Kinkaid said. Discussion about Giant Skeletons Found in Mounds Across America [Page 2] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. No sounds are heard, but it smells snaky just the same. Credit: KBTV / Kasetsart University Faculty Of Liberal Arts and Science This was an unprecedented find in the Grand Canyon, which soon repeated in the press. There are thousands of years of history in the Grand Canyon. These days, he might be best known for documenting giant skeletons found in Tennessee, as well as popularizing the "Tennessee Pygmies.". All Rights Reserved. It says the giants were killing man and telling human women the secrets of the earth that god didnt want us to know. Theres no doubt that Theodore Roosevelt loved the Grand Canyon area. There was nothing stopping them but nature itself. our world is so old, and humans are approx. Kinkaid said he had taken photographs of one of them with a flashlight, however, none of those photos were found. The entrance was about 450 meters under the wall of the steep canyon. One skull was 11 inches wide and 22 inches from base to crown. The Grand Canyon was the birthplace of a culture in which, according to an article published in the Gazeta de Arizona on April 5, 1909, people of cyclopean proportions existed. Lost Civilization in Grand Canyon Was, Wait, Egyptian? Maybe this information could shed more light to the American Pyramids culture here on the continent. Perhaps a rare mixture of cultures that scarcely occurs in archaeological finds, so this discovery would be of unprecedented importance. In connection with this story, it is notable that among the Hopi Indians the tradition is told that their ancestors once lived in an underworld in the Grand Canyon till dissension arose between the good and the bad, the people of one heart and the people of two hearts. Date: February 25, 2014 Contact: Kirby-Lynn Shedlowski, 928-638-7958 Grand Canyon, Ariz - Park Rangers recently recovered skeletal remains from the Hermit Creek drainage within Grand Canyon National Park. I believe we are one. It is worth mentioning that Kinkaid was a recognized archaeologist and had the financial support of theSmithsonian Institution. That messenger never returned, but today at the Hopi villages at sundown can be seen the old men of the tribe out on the housetops gazing toward the sun, looking for the messenger. The Grand Canyon was the birthplace of a culture in which . I know that at this time nobody is allowed anywhere near it. The main passageway is about 12 feet wide, narrowing to nine feet toward the farther end. This non discovery non mystery has already been solved long ago all though will never be told to the world! There were no more articles, follow-ups, or other newspapers that wrote about this. All Rights Reserved. Ever wonder why they flooded the canyon to make Lake Havau AZ? In the opposite corner of this cross-hall were found tools of all descriptions, made of copper. The entrance was about 450 meters under the wall of the steep canyon. This idol had a certain resemblance to Buddha, although the scientists of the time did not finish assuring that it represented that religious cult. Some, like the Cardiff Giant, which was actually a buried stone statue, were proven to be hoaxes. We all know and have seen what it is like during Black Friday. THE TAYOS CAVE AND METAL LIBRARY. Perhaps one day we will all know the truth. Giant skeletons from Wisconsin. The story of how I found the cavern has been related, but in a paragraph: I was journeying down the Colorado River in a boat, alone, looking for mineral. Rowland and a team of colleagues documented the discovery in a paper published Wednesday in the journal PLOS One. Its easier to find stories like mine than it is to find information from officials. According to their descriptions, the entrance to this mysterious city was at the end of a tunnel that extended for something more than 1,600 meters underground. Discoveries of the giant skeletons were found all over the Northeast, from Martha's Vineyard and Deerfield Valley Massachusetts, to Vermont and upstate New York. Thank you so much for the sharing of your research. Another interesting finding was the discovery of mummified bodies inside the citadel. Lykins uncovered skull bones "of great size and thickness" in mounds of Kansas City area in 1877. The whole underground installation gives one of shaky nerves the creeps. If their theories are borne out by the translation of the tablets engraved with hieroglyphics, the mystery of the prehistoric peoples of North America, their ancient arts, who they were, and whence they came, will be solved. Egypt and the Nile, and Arizona and the Colorado will be linked by a historical chain running back to ages which staggers the wildest fancy of the fictionist. I found a book written, that listed the similarities of the Nahuatl language words and those from Sanskrit. What these people lived on is a problem, though it is presumed that they came south in the winter and farmed in the valleys, going back north in the summer. In the early 20th century, chance led us to the gates of the undergroundcityof giants best known in those days. 7 Giant Human Skeletons Ever Found Mind Boggler 2.96M subscribers Subscribe 14K 2.1M views 4 years ago It has been reported that the world-renowned and highly trusted Smithsonian Institution was. Over a hundred feet from the entrance is the cross-hall, several hundred feet long, in which are found the idol, or image, of the peoples god, sitting cross-legged, with a lotus flower or lily in each hand. Have a great day. Above a shelf that hid it from view from the river, was the mouth of the cave. assist other users like its helped me. Finding fossil footprints at the Grand Canyon isnt particularly unusual. The Grand Canyon holds the truth about the Black man and his far reaching influence on this planet Earth and yes beyond. The architecture found suggested that the builders of that subterranean city possessed advanced engineering skills. On these are tiers of mummies, each one occupying a separate hewn shelf. the bones of the big skeleton on his father's farm on the bank of the Coosa River near Gadsden, says that he could easily place his head in its skull and the bone was half an inch thick. Moreover, they had skulls elongated upwards, which in general were much . found vertebrae "larger than those of the present type" in Wisconsin mounds in 1876. SEARCH FOR {MELTOLOGY}! Kinkaid said he had taken photographs of one of them with a flashlight, however, none of those photos were found. So, what could it be? Trespass citation for hiking in closed areas of the Grand Canyon. Discovery Company. Our light would not penetrate the gloom, and until stronger ones are available we will not know what the chamber contains. They are beings of free will and autonomy just as we are. Kinkaid, the explorer who found the great underground citadel of the Grand Canyon during a trip from Green River, Wyoming, down the Colorado, in a wooden boat, to Yuma, several months ago. I agree with you Jason laveck, Ive also been reading the book of Enoch and the apocrypha. The central axis of the underground city made it a gigantic camera from which radiated passages similar to the radii of a wheel. The entrance was about 450 meters under the wall of the steep canyon. The Government has stationed a guard and restricted the airspace. It was an amazing discovery in the Grand Canyon and the press soon echoed. People running around and doing whatever they can to get a bargain. A civilization that only left us some structures as a testimony of its existence. I appreciate this article and enjoyed reading it. The scientists wish to work unmolested, without fear of archeological discoveries being disturbed by curio or relic hunters. Who took what out? Above a shelf that could not be seen from the river was the entrance to the cave. It is worth mentioning that Kinkaid was a recognized archaeologist and had the financial support of the Smithsonian Institution. One is of prehistoric type. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more! I have a feeling that you as the reader can investigate this story for a very long time. LEARN THE TRUTH! Something is being left out of this find. Just fake news. LAST THOUGHTS ABOUT A UNDERGROUND EGYPTIAN CITY HIDDEN IN THE GRAND CANYON. This was an unprecedented find in the Grand Canyon, which soon repeated in the press. BREAK DOWN THE MELTED OUTSIDE WALLS AND THE WORLD SHALL SEE THE TRUTH! The Grand Canyon was the birthplace of a culture in which, according to an article published in the Gazeta de Arizona on April 5, 1909, people of cyclopean proportions existed. Let's look at some of the findings that may or may not support the Giant Ancients in the desert. These are entered by oval-shaped doors and are ventilated by round air spaces through the walls into the passages. J.N. Ive also found documentation about the construction proposal about the Lake Powell Dam and the different locations they considered before choosing its modern-day resting place. very interesting. Following this, the explorations were undertaken. In September, USA TODAY debunked a false claim that thousands of giant skeletons were found but destroyed by the Smithsonian and the Vatican. Debbie Hodges, probably because the same reason they arent teaching all of history now & throwing away all our history books! Some of the mummies are covered with clay, and all are wrapped in a bark fabric. John Haywood (1753-1826) was a historian known as the "father of Tennessee history.". The best way to follow me and the Treasures in America team and what we are working on is through our website and social media. The internet site of radio talk show host Jeff Rense (http://www.rense.coin/general15/hiss.htm) has unearthed a mysterious, unexplained, but very provocative clipping from the August 5, LOS ANGELES, Aug 4. On a bench running around the workroom was some charcoal and other material probably used in the process. Even briefly recounted, his history sounds fabulous, almost grotesque. It would not have been empty. He started his trip in Green River Utah on the Colorado River through whats known as the, In 1907, there were no man-made structures like the Lake Powell Dam. I must ask myself, why was this article written? If you like this story, I have published many more. I decided to take on this story and I spent over 8 years researching anything I could find. Nor are there any official versions or references to this enigmatic subterranean city. Native American have ancient oral histories of fighting pale skinned Giants, many,many times larger than any man, with eye and hair color variations. The Gazette news article went on to talk about a lost city that he discovered after passing the area of Lake Powells modern-day dam. Jan Bartek - - Scientists have discovered an ancient giant skeleton and huge snake bones. Underground City Of Giants Found In The US Grand Canyon - 2017. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. chained dog grieving, hope someone can make his life better (Video), Burning Object in the Road Received by Kingston Police, the first evidence of a UFO (Video). There is no mention of looking into the Smithsonian archives? He was sitting cross-legged and with a lotus or lily flower in each hand. Two copper hooks extend on the edge, which indicates that some sort of ladder was attached. If yo have the techology to raise the moolithic, eormos stoes, kidly explore them ad let me kow. None of the mummies found were less than 2.74 meters and all were wrapped in dark linen. In one popular take, which likewise first. When I saw the chisel marks on the wall inside the entrance, I got interested, I got my gun and I went in. Ahaa, its pleasant discussion about this paragraph at this place at this weblog, I have read all that, so at this time me also commenting at One of the biggest things that I found strange was that a known newspaper like the Arizona Gazette published an article about a great and wonderful underground Egyptian city hidden in the Grand Canyon and then nothing! Mr. Kinkaid was the first white child born in Idaho and has been an explorer and hunter all his life, thirty years having been in the service of the Smithsonian Institute. The urns or cups on the lower tiers are crudes, while as the higher shelves are reached, the urns are finer in design, showing a later stage of civilization. The pytho was aot to eat a atelope whe the hyea oticed it ad respoded fast y proddig the sake til it released the prey. Very interesting article. One is that they came from Asia; another that the racial cradle was in the upper Nile region. s, s , s s ! Found in an area with abandoned camping gear these remains may be associated with a 2010 disappearance of a . The article mentions the discovery of a huge subterranean citadel by an explorer named GE Kinkaid, who accidentally found it while rafting on the Colorado River. Perhaps a rare mixture of cultures that scarcely occurs in archaeological finds, so this discovery would be of unprecedented importance. We would love to have you around. His face had oriental features as well as the carving of the cave. well as the arizona gazette details kincaid and professor jordan were smithsonian funded exploreres but of course the smithsonian has no records to substantiate this and denies even knowing either of these explorers. How hard is it to believe that beings from other planets have been here and tinkered, in one way or another, with our genetics? Unfortunately, the article does not give many more details about this discovery. More than 30 meters from the entrance is a room with a cross-shaped plant several tens of meters long and where an idol was found that could have been the main god of his religious system.