I like to mix my abdominal workouts in with my three days so that I constantly keep moving and maintaining a good heart rate with only small periods of rest during my workout. Learn to breathe properly. Some guidelines may trump others, so the key is to take this knowledge and start applying the ones that you believe will have the biggest impact on your particular situation. -DAY 7. Think we got lost Iin translation…….I’m British :). If I push through it at the next workout, they will swell up and really pain me. – try to make up a new routine that gets you progress To read the longer version, click here. I usually weigh around the 250 pound mark, and the extra weight was accumulated from sitting in front of a computer for a couple years. Note that I only get 4hrs sleep on a Wednesday and Thursday night due to work and school run then straight in the gym. I then start the next week on Monday doing back/bi and do chest/shoulder/tri on Wednesday and alternate those every week, getting 3 workouts of each every two weeks. At that point go to the bucket and coat your hands in man-the-f***-up dust. If you have a specific question, perhaps the forum would be a good place since that’s a bit off topic. Here are a couple of key points about this program: If you're really pushing the intensity, you can probably only do a max effort twice per week, and you're going to need 48-72 hours between sessions. Before, using the push-leg-pull split, I found my pecs and lats were sore enough from presses and dips to limit my chin/pull ups. Sir what do you think of pyramid vs drop sets. As we move into the recovery process which usually will begin following the first 3-4 days of more acute inflation following the initial injury it is important to understand these concepts and a few others. Sunday: Off. So what I’m wondering is if I’m not getting the gains I want in my arms giving on average about 60-72 hours recovery time, is it more likely that I’m not working my small muscles in my upper body often enough, or too often? The next day would be a day off and then repeat. Every time I have ever lifted in the past, I’ve always did full body workouts 3 times a week. Go for it. 2 | 45,211 views, Powered by WishList Member - Membership Software, In line with your experience level, you will likely modify your routines over the years. But it’s not like a 50 yr old takes twice as long to recover as a 25 yr old. I have lost as much as 65 pounds in 45 days and I kept it off as long as I was working out. You are essentially doing an upper-lower-upper split, with a 5 day cycle. This morning my legs felt somewhat fatigued, so I'm not sure if I should just expect some accumulated fatigue. And then test. Good luck! Here’s an article for you: I am only doing certain lower body and ab exercises to tone up for 20 mins a day. To read Jason’s view, click here. Well, that depends on your workout. Thank You , Beau Brannan. -DAY 4. -DAY 2. at a competition. (StatePoint) More Americans are investing their time and energy in the pursuit of fitness these days, with the percentage of people belonging to gyms and health clubs nearly doubling from 2000-2017, according to Statista. Hi i have read your article and thought it was very factual but i’m not sure what the best method would be for me so i was wondering if you could help. Personally, I’d reverse the rep sequence though and do my heaviest set first (after warm-up sets of course). Here are six deadlifting questions I get asked on constant basis. Im seeing slight results, but not what I was expecting. I’ve never used it, and so far all but one scientific study says it’s crap. means 180 grams of protein. You can refer to my March 27th post and see if you have any advise for me . I have been doing this for about 19 months and have noticed good gains , I am stronger and bigger now than at any time in my life . I guess I’ll continue to do that until I can’t see any more gains or when I’m ready to mix it up. @Scott – those are some great numbers. I’ve also decided to stop doing the leg press twice a week. You may have heard about Type I, Type IIa, and Type  IIb muscle fibers. I’m 23 and I’ve been training for about 18 months. I’m doing three sets of each exercise mentioned, to failure in the 6-12 rep range, 10 seconds per rep. Successful pulling requires that you proactively create a positive emotional climate. Wed – Legs/abs A little bit about myself, I am 15, I go to the gym 4 times a week and have been going for about 4months now. It’s not uncommon for some to take 14 days to recover from a hard workout. I threw together a pretty basic workout plan that consists of, Monday: chest, back, and arms. [Note that I’m talking about lifting intensity for producing force, not cardio intensity.] Tuesday: Back & Biceps I just finished reading your article and I found it very informative. If you want to hit new personal records every week you are going to need to recover properly. And of course, the more intense, the more recovery needed. When starting out, we suggest loading the barbell with light weights (or even just the bar itself) so you can get a feel for the technique before you start lifting heavier. To protect your back? i worry about doing isolations the day before an intense full-body compound workout b/c i worry you might be non-recovered and thus not able to lift intensely. Pressing overhead is similar, but different, than chest day but I don’t relly see a fundamental problem in your routine (you mention school, so I assume you are pretty young, so recovery times are faster than for older folks). The only nit I would have is that you are essentially using lats 3 days out of 5 (deads use lats, and of course so do chinups, pullups, rows; but upright rows not so much); so if it were me, I’d put horizontal rowing on Day1 but then instead of doing both chinups and pullups on Day1, I’d rotate them (do chinups on day 1, pullups day 6, etc.). 1.5 mile run/shoulders/deltoids/trapezius/squats/calves/abs Weighted pull-ups and i did a few sessions and my leg have been sore now for 3 days do you think i’m overdoing it or do i just need to push thru it. Hands on evaluation is needed. @Obz – I like them. I am following the strong lift 5×5 workout is it any good? How much longer? I disagree in the fact that for many people controlled use of straps is acceptable and useful in order to get stronger. I rest 3 days, so that I am back to the 1st routine on the 4th day, taking 8 days to get two full cycles in. To read more about muscle recovery time, join LeanLifters and read the full article here. people say my regime sucks but ive been making gains so should i stick with it or change it up? Learn to create intra-abdominal pressure, to brace the spine without the aid of a belt. And training legs,chest,back,biceps twice a week any good?with the same intensity? I seem to be better at weight loss than about anything else in this world. Your arms will then grow just fine because they get worked hard in chins, rows, presses, etc. I should be able to burn fat okay without it, but would it help much to use it while dieting? Day 2; legs. The deadlift is a lift for everyone, but there are variations in the lift and better ways to use these variations according to your goals - and that’s what we will go through today. Have you seen him? I have recently started lifting weights prob a month ago. Yes, I can easily lose a pound a day, and sometimes more. November 19, 2020 By The Stronger By Science Team . Double overhand grip until you get to the point where you cannot complete the rep because of your grip. Joe moe 23 Nov 2017 Reply. every time i come back from that 3 day break im much stronger and can add more weight. That also means each muscle (in fact, your whole body) rests only about 48 hrs. You have already done the lift, and the hard part of it at that. But that 20% swing makes a big difference between whether you’ll be a champion marathoner or an Olympic shotputter. My response to this question depends on who you are and what you train for. One final preamble. 1.5 mile run/pull-ups/chin-ups/upper back/lower back/biceps/abs Think of recovery as a flow that follows a simple wave. @kpatrick – yes I have advice. The bench press was always performed in week 2 with the squat and deadlift order counterbalanced between weeks 1 and 3. @paige – self-myofacial release via foam rollers or golf balls seems to benefit most people for recovery, though it might by psychosomatic. In general, you probably need more recovery time than you think. Is this purely fatigue/tiredness or is my routine not in good order? I then designed my own program and went with what my results and body were telling me, and I put a full inch on my arms in 3 months! I say this with confidence, because I see it in 99% of the people at every commercial gym I visit. (Certainly true for me – whenever I do hard training 3 days in a row I start to break down.) An easy bike ride, for example. I remember when I first started bodybuilding at 30, my trainer never mentioned recovery time, and just stuck me on an intensive full body workout 3 times per week. That’s seriously amazing if you can do that safely. It is stronger than the standard double overhand yet safer than the mixed grip - a great combination if you can handle it. a lot more. -Tuesday + Thursday -Biceps, Back and Shoulders, so i will do things like negative curls and just generally used the machines that do those muscles. Bars, The Big 7 – The Seven Most Important Weight Training -Monday + Wednesday -Chest and triceps, so i will do things like bench+chest press both flat and 45degree and then i will do butterfly and some free weight exersises. You also should consider the economy of training. In practice, that’s very hard to do in a pure isolated fashion. Hi Darrin, I’m 62 weigh 204 and have a couple state records in the bench at 125 kg. I’m 45 years old and need a bit more time to recover. So don’t equate soreness with recovery. Now if it’s really painful, the best thing I’ve found is just light movements, not really stretching, but things that get blood flowing. The older you are, the longer it takes to recover. Check out these simple workouts and fun exercises that can be done at-home with makeshift or no equipment at all. But they vary the intensity and their programs are very complicated. Get the latest posts and news delivered right to your email. For my chest I do: flat bench press 3 sets…50,60,70kgs (15,10,5 reps), incline dumbell press 3 sets…15,17.5,20kgs each side (15,12,10 reps), incline dumbell flyes 3 sets…5,10,15kgs each side (15,12,10 reps) That said, from your previous post you seen to know how to lose fat! If you’re going for a traditional deadlift rather than a wider stance, it can be easier to slip a disc when you’re going for a PR. Hi Darrin, thank you for the advice. I’ m not young anymore so I’d slowed down a bit, kids,work, and life. For example, if you are stuck at 8, then there’s a lot we can do to help; if you are stuck at 35, then that’s already great and progressing will require very specialized training. Thursday: abs What advice can you offer fellow lifters? Save your money and buy healthy food (since that’s a little more expensive than junk food) and you’ll be much happier. There no way I (or anyone) could give you the magic answer via a post online but you clearly have dedication and you will continue to make progress. We’re talking here about force recovery – the time it takes for your muscle strength to return to optimum levels for their next major exertion. If your routine calls for you to isolate particular muscles, then you can lift more frequently. What can i do?? @jimmie – that’s a pound a day of fat loss! Those really aren’t days off, so to speak. b) add more lifting volume. 2017 Jul 12. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002140. – get a coach/trainer to help If you want to make it in this game, you need to take great care of your back while at the same time providing it with enough stimuli for hypertrophy, and training with the optimal frequency is crucial for this. Yes, if you need them. Darrin , I am a 64 year old man who has always been very active . trying now to take a day off occasionally. This means that we should be able to recover from heavy deadlifts in less than a day, which is not realistic for the time being. A second point relates to recovery. I just wanna run my training routine with you. I am 25 years old and have been weight training on and off for the past ten years. Are you doing your chest work either higher volume or with really slow negatives? Darrin, If you are training strongman, my advice would be to train conventional the majority of the time for better overall strength carryover. This is the short version of Darrin’s view on muscle recovery time. A second point relates to recovery. I’m not the most intense lifter out there, but I do my best and if I can complete the 3 sets of 6, then I go up by 5 pounds the next time. Note, this is not the same point as when it gets hard to keep hold. For running, it has a little impact, but even then it really only matters if you are going to do a super long run and won’t have any access to nutrition during the run. It appears, in general, that larger muscle groups take longer to recover. On the fifth rep of one of those sets, I felt something “give” on … Foam Rolling - Invest in a foam roller to get the soreness out of your hips, hamstrings and glutes. That said, as this article relates to recovery, you are young enough that there is plenty of recovery in your routine. Day 7; legs. As for PPLR vs PPRLR.. @jason smith – that indeed sounds crazy. For example, deadlifts use a heck of a lot of your muscle groups! It’s a proven fact that after working a muscle intensely, it is actually weaker while it is healing than when you started. and workout 6 days a week. Also since I last wrote you, I started switching up my weekly routine a little bit for better muscle recovery time. Or basic yoga, stretching, etc. @David – good for you for starting up again! @Jim – you’re a bit young, so I’ll cut you some slack about having “biceps” and “triceps” in your routines. My knees pop, ache, and get stiff after a strenuous leg workout. One of the dangers of straps is burnout from going heavier than the body can handle, especially if using them for partial deadlift reps. Since you have had a 2x bench in the past, I’m sure you know that getting there takes tremendous effort and planning. I was mainly curious about lifting more than 3 times a week, since that’s all I’ve ever did was 3 a week. Hello Darrin, I’d appreciate your feedback. all can be done daily. Plus the sumo deadlift is often disallowed from strongman competitions. and burn about 350 calories . I’m 5’7” on a good day, with size-ten feet that are flatter than an X Factor audition, long arms, and massive hands that are equally at home hanging onto branches as bars. Recommended Recovery Time Between Workouts You might wake up the morning after a deadlift session and feel like you’re in tip-top shape. However, if I don’t work out my legs at all, my knees never bother me. Congratulations Juana! So I know I’m making strength gains and I can see the hypertrophy results. What are you doing right? Good luck! 3-5 min rest. After I’ve lost what I think I need to lose, I will begin a full body workout twice a week. Heavy deadlifts are good for the soul. Wednesday: Triceps & Rear Delts I’ve found this to be true as well but it is related to whether you are doing compound or isolation movements (see next section). Day 8; off. The deadlift is too similar to the first pull on the clean. Jumping. Any suggestion is much appreciated! I’m conscious of over-training whilst dieting so wondering weather to workout out just twice a week (e.g. Fast muscle fibers are designed for explosive movements. For example, if you did legs one day, you could do chest the next day, then back the day after that, then shoulders, then arms, etc. After heavy or high intensity training, there must be a period of lower intensity work to ensure you recover to a baseline higher than when you started. Additionally, a lot depends on stance. Good luck! If you’re anything like me, you’ll get cravings that can only be appeased through picking something particularly heavy up off the floor. Joints feel sore, am I not getting enough recovery time? I am looking to put on muscle weight. I have become passionate about working out I do not want to be old and feeble. I’m a 300lb fat guy, is deadlifting 1.5-2x my bodyweight really a realistic goal? The distinction is less about how much time each muscle needs to recover – it’s more about whether those recovery days should be “days off” or not. And some people do 4-way splits by adding in either shoulders or arms. The problem I am having is Friday…..I am struggling to arnie press the weight and reps that I did previously. Considering my age and that my workouts are intense going to total failure for each exercise, my guess is maybe I’m not giving adequate recovery and I’m stopping my calorie surplus too soon (36 hours instead of 48-60 hours). Hi Sir Darrin I need your advice, what do you think of my new routine…, Monday: Legs & Chest Any of the following: ongoing joint pain, loss of motivation to work out for more than a few weeks, no longer getting stronger, gaining fat, etc. That said, I’ll try to step off the soapbox and simply describe the effect that different routines have on recovery time…. Out of your muscle groups seem to get a lot are junk some... Long as you get to the benefit of engaging lots of isolation movements, are ok for.. Sounds like you ’ re ready to get back into the gym its okay train! Also when pushing to the fiber Type issues above and 1.5 mile run/30-45 cardio... Is the recovery day, max weight of 3 reps of 2 sets and 1 set 12... 5 ’ 7 tall 75kgs… I want to deadlift but the more recovery time is needed may more! Happen to receive groups for 8 months every other week week of rest between working each muscle or... 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